Current speed limits

Hi Guys, ok, I am sure this is a done to death topic but frankly, I am struggling to get my head around it “clearly”!
I have “evidence” that a 7.5 tonne truck can do what is tantamount to the national speed limit from sources such as “Bedfordshire police” the big bleedin sign as you leave Felixstowe docks and the Gov’s own website. and yet, there seems to be a contradiction with a whole bunch of other sources which tell me in no uncertain terms “you cannot exceed 56mph” EVER, no matter what… so, question: It is 2016, a proper, big, lorry type lorry (over 7.5 tonnes) seems to be able to be “restricted” to 60? but 7.5 tonnes only ever 56? (unless pre 2001 or private)
Any clear information gratefully received.
PS any info on how to actually legally do 60 (at least) in said 7.5 tonner also appreciated.

You used to be able to do 70mph in 7.5 tonners on the motorway and used to be able to use lane 3 for overtaking. However they decided that they needed to be subject to the same rules as heavier goods vehicles and as such are from 2006 I think speed limited. Trucks prior to 2006 don’t have to have limiters fitted but the rules still stand just that the truck can do 70mph still not that it is now legal to do so. That’s why puddle jumpers now do 56mph.

If your talking about legal speed limit of 60mph that is the legal speed limit for trucks but most are limited to 56 or in many cases less. In theory if you owned your own truck you should be able to have the speed limited set to 60mph and not be breaking any rules. I used to drive a 12 ton Volvo and that was set to 62mph great on the flat but pants on uphills lol

I did not mind puddle jumpers back in the day 80-85mph was a regular occurrence, ah those were the days. But then people started screaming “think of the children, cats, dogs, wildlife etc”.

Also trucks of certain age are speed limited exempt, my old boss loved his Ford cargo 12 tonner as he flew up and down motorways in that too above the 70mph limit when he wanted too lol that was until the rot set in too bad and he got rid of it for a Iveco 18 tonner restricted to 56.

Actually thinking about it further I think 70mph on a motorway still applies to vehicles up to 7.5 tons, just the EU law requires them to be limited to 56 if it’s over 3.5 tons, so 70 is fine for a 3.5 ton sprinter, a 6 ton sprinter then it’s 56, a 7.5 tonner again it’s now 56, anything larger and it’s still 56 or less. Buses and coaches however are allowed to go faster than HGV’S. It is not easy always to totally understand the rules as they are usually made up by some (insert word required) person or body.

I believe you can do 70 and use all 3 lanes in any vehicle up to 7.5 tonne but if vehicle has limiter fitted it’s 56 and can’t use 3rd lane.

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All here if you scroll down the page … limits.htm