Current pay rates

Just back from my usual winter sojourn in Thailand, been looking around job websites at pay rates. I’m sure there are not as many good rates out there as there were say 3 or 4 years ago? Can’t help feeling the influx of drivers from Europe has had a marked effect on the alleged driver shortage.

I used to see very good rates on offer on the M1 corridor & in the London areas, (that were worth travelling 250 miles for) and low ones in Scotland and the North East. Now it seems to have levelled up a lot with around £8/hour being the going base C+E rate.

I’ve seen van driving jobs at that rate & many C+E at “meets national minimum wage.” There certainly seems to be the same money to be earned driving a 7.5 tonner as many C+E jobs.

The sooner people stop accepting the insulting rates sometimes offered given the responsibility & knowledge required, the better. Companies would learn that if you pay peanuts, you get monkeys.

There are the occasional ones at £25-30k a year (ADR tanks & car transporters) mostly, but you have to look long and hard.
Also ofcourse not everyone is free to travel to where the well paid work is.

One of our members, i forget who, is on direct with DHL & has a good package with them. Do you have any contact details?

I’m looking for either 4 on 4 off, or Friday -Sunday. nights out no prob. I’m based near Preston. Looking to earn towards £500 gross for the 4 or 3 days. No ADR, rope/sheet, or fridges. (yeah, yeah, i know, not a proper driver) Anybody know anything? I’m prepared to travel & stay out of area for the right money.


it can differ within the same area. i used to be on £7 per hour but i switched agencys and got £2 per hour more on my basic wage. you have to look around.

I’m on with exel/dhl.And as far as i know our depot has got the best wage,for what we have to do to earn it.
Thats why i travel 50miles to get there.
But we hav’nt took any drivers on for at least a couple of years.And i’d say even if someone did leave they would not be replaced.I bet it works out cheaper to get an agency driver in.

Tony b

Just back from my usual winter sojourn in Thailand, been looking around job websites at pay rates. I’m sure there are not as many good rates out there as there were say 3 or 4 years ago? Can’t help feeling the influx of drivers from Europe has had a marked effect on the alleged driver shortage.

I used to see very good rates on offer on the M1 corridor & in the London areas, (that were worth travelling 250 miles for) and low ones in Scotland and the North East. Now it seems to have levelled up a lot with around £8/hour being the going base C+E rate.

I’ve seen van driving jobs at that rate & many C+E at “meets national minimum wage.” There certainly seems to be the same money to be earned driving a 7.5 tonner as many C+E jobs.

The sooner people stop accepting the insulting rates sometimes offered given the responsibility & knowledge required, the better. Companies would learn that if you pay peanuts, you get monkeys.

There are the occasional ones at £25-30k a year (ADR tanks & car transporters) mostly, but you have to look long and hard.
Also ofcourse not everyone is free to travel to where the well paid work is.

One of our members, i forget who, is on direct with DHL & has a good package with them. Do you have any contact details?

I’m looking for either 4 on 4 off, or Friday -Sunday. nights out no prob. I’m based near Preston. Looking to earn towards £500 gross for the 4 or 3 days. No ADR, rope/sheet, or fridges. (yeah, yeah, i know, not a proper driver) Anybody know anything? I’m prepared to travel & stay out of area for the right money.


did you look on a British or a Thailandish Website? :laughing:

The building trade is going through the same problems at the moment.New house prices are going through the roof as are land costs but wages are not…It has something to do with the large amount of migrant workers.
Driving a truck is not the job it once was, if you won’t work for the money somebody else will. You would be better door knocking and go direct. I have just finished a stint of working direct earning the sort of money you are after for 3 days a week. I was charging for the commute to work as well !!
It’s out there if you look for it !!! :smiley: :smiley: