Current job or agency

My current job covers Inverness to Cornwall weekly structures are normally Monday overnight coming home Tuesday, day run Wednesday and overnight Thursday come home Friday, or overnight Monday and Tuesday the come home Wednesday, with Thursday overnight and come home Friday. Overnight money we get 10 per night.

On a average week we work around 60-70 hours on a salary of £18,000 a year with a 0 hour contract per week!
Also because of the lads can’t drive and seem to crash the vans, we all have 10 per week taken from our wages to cover the cost of the excess of 1250.00 we would have to pay if we crashed the vans, but if say I don’t I’d get my 520 back after each year!

Or would you sack it off and try agency work ?

Which would you do? I can’t decide if you know what I mean ? Like leaving a full time job and getting nothing ?!?

Thanks in advance
