Curiosity ADR question

I don’t do ADR so don’t really know the rules.
Recently I have noticed several vans, (3.5 - 7.5 ton,) with large quantities of Petrol / Diesel / Gas on board but no warnings.
I know that it’s down to the size of the containers, but surely several 5 gallon cans of fuel or a large gas container needs ADR & warning signs , even on a van.
Are vans exempt, or is this sort of quantity exempt, or is that vans just get away with it ?.

2 Gas Cylinders are permitted, depending on the size. They have the same regulations as Your Auntie Maud with her caravan.

Petroleum Spirit has to be marked and carried in authorised containers. diesel fuel isnt classified like this.

You will sometimes see Transco vans displaying warning stickers, this is more of an internal H & S policy I believe

It was just seeing a County Council groundworker with 4+ , 5 gallon petrol cans for lawn mower use & then as a result seeing several others with bits in the back.
I just wonderd what the law was.

It was just seeing a County Council groundworker with 4+ , 5 gallon petrol cans for lawn mower use & then as a result seeing several others with bits in the back.
I just wonderd what the law was.

I dont think 4 x 25 litres of petrol is quite right, maybe its permitted in a jerry can as they are tested.

Im off to investigate, Googled :stuck_out_tongue:

IF the petrol or derv is carried in tanks with a capacity of 1000litres or more thenit comes under the ADR-HAZERDOUS regulations. IF how ever the
amount is carried in 20litre jerrycans and is less than 1000itres it is not under those regulations.BUT you will have to carry it securely and safely
as per the HSE regulations for the UK,these will state what the person who is carrying those articles mustcomplie within the way of the above mentioned remarks,The same rules apply to those who carry gas cylinders