Cumbria/Southern Scottish firms

Hello all, I’m hoping someone on here might be able to give me some advise or even a warning or two.

I’m looking for a change this year, current gig is coming to an end around February and wanting to get a list of firms to start chasing for tramping work.

I’m based in West ■■■■■■■■ wigton-ish. I don’t mind traveling a fair bit as long as I’m out all week. Hopefully somebody can give me a heads up on firms to aspire to or even ones to avoid would be helpfull.
Work wise I’m pretty open to anything, mainly done curtain siders but have done some on flats, tankers and fridges. Not afraid to try anything as long as I get a few pointers before I get going.

Most of my work has been outbased Scottish stuff hence my lack of local knowledge on firms, and being an ‘incomer’ myself.

Cheers for any input great or small.

Hello all, I’m hoping someone on here might be able to give me some advise or even a warning or two.STOBRATS :grimacing: and CURRIES :laughing:

I’m looking for a change this year, current gig is coming to an end around February and wanting to get a list of firms to start chasing for tramping work.

I’m based in West ■■■■■■■■ wigton-ish. I don’t mind traveling a fair bit as long as I’m out all week. Hopefully somebody can give me a heads up on firms to aspire to or even ones to avoid would be helpfull.
Work wise I’m pretty open to anything, mainly done curtain siders but have done some on flats, tankers and fridges. Not afraid to try anything as long as I get a few pointers before I get going.

Most of my work has been outbased Scottish stuff hence my lack of local knowledge on firms, and being an ‘incomer’ myself.

Cheers for any input great or small.

:sunglasses: twice warned. :wink:

Hayton Coulthard

Coulthards might be a good shout, based at Ecclefechan. Good kit and easy work as far as I know, walking floors and curtains mostly.


Canute always have a sign up , probably a reason for it :astonished:

Coulthards might be a good shout, based at Ecclefechan. Good kit and easy work as far as I know, walking floors and curtains mostly. A.

Ask for Barry.

I was guessing there was a job going at curries after the Forth road bridge balls up! :open_mouth:

Speaking of coulthards, does Eardley transport still exist or is it just truck stop they run at fechan? Never clocked thier wagons in there

Coulthards might be a good shout, based at Ecclefechan. Good kit and easy work as far as I know, walking floors and curtains mostly.


And pish money

And pish money

No idea what money they’re on, spoke to one driver not long ago who had a topline with fridge, microwave etc and said the work was a doddle and no hassle from office bods, never mentioned money.

Nice looking motors too.


The Volvos are fully kitted out, for tramping, the Scannys are mainly for day work.


And pish money

No idea what money they’re on, spoke to one driver not long ago who had a topline with fridge, microwave etc and said the work was a doddle and no hassle from office bods, never mentioned money.

Nice looking motors too.


Probably an insight into where his priorities lied if the most important things he mentioned about his job were his Topline, fridge , and microwave eh?. :unamused:

I believe that Curries have a vacancy.

coulthards are looking for at least 2 trampers right now, ecclefechan based… 01557 860661

Probably an insight into where his priorities lied if the most important things he mentioned about his job were his Topline, fridge , and microwave eh?. :unamused:

Didn’t say that’s all he mentioned, did I? The guy is looking for information about companies, I’ve given him some info that I know.

As a tramper myself a fully kitted out spacious cab is pretty high on my priorities list, which is why I have one.


Firms around that area are always looking for (good) drivers. Probably find most would give you a chance if your experienced enough.


Probably an insight into where his priorities lied if the most important things he mentioned about his job were his Topline, fridge , and microwave eh?. :unamused:

Didn’t say that’s all he mentioned, did I? The guy is looking for information about companies, I’ve given him some info that I know.

As a tramper myself a fully kitted out spacious cab is pretty high on my priorities list, which is why I have one.


Ok mate take it easy :open_mouth: , it wasn’t you I was ridiculing was it. :neutral_face:

High on mine too, but the wage would be the first thing I would consider, not how high the cab was, unlike many other drivers…again not you.
…That’s all I meant.

Ok mate take it easy :open_mouth: , it wasn’t you I was ridiculing was it. :neutral_face:

High on mine too, but the wage would be the first thing I would consider, not how high the cab was, unlike many other drivers…again not you.
…That’s all I meant.

I was polite enough not to ask him his wages, wasn’t intended to come across as rude. :wink:



Coulthards might be a good shout, based at Ecclefechan. Good kit and easy work as far as I know, walking floors and curtains mostly.


And pish money

Breaks paid = nearly 4 hours a week
Overnight in an MSA, paid for, + night-out money.



Coulthards might be a good shout, based at Ecclefechan. Good kit and easy work as far as I know, walking floors and curtains mostly.


And pish money

Breaks paid = nearly 4 hours a week
Overnight in an MSA, paid for, + night-out money.

A know a few lads that work there. They get less than other less flashy wagon operators.