Hello all, first post but I have been lurking around for some time. I had an interview and assessment for Culina at Avonmouth a week ago and have heard nothing from them since. I think the interview went OK and I had, I believe, a very good assessment drive. The assessor would not tell me if I had passed or not so I feel a bit in Limbo.
Is this normal practice? I notice a least one member on here works for them at Avonmouth , so maybe they could let me know the procedure there.
Ta very much.
I would chase it and give them a call.No harm in that.It shows you are keen.They are a good firm to work for.Good kit.New or nearly new.You could send BB a PM.Good luck with the job.
I would chase it and give them a call.No harm in that.It shows you are keen.They are a good firm to work for.Good kit.New or nearly new.You could send BB a PM.Good luck with the job.
Bald Bloke has PM turned off. I will give them a bell tomorrow. Cheers.
Is this normal practice? I notice a least one member on here works for them at Avonmouth , so maybe they could let me know the procedure there.
Yes i work there and i think i’m the only one on here, anyway who done your assessment or what did he look like ?
Things don’t always move too quick there so just bide your time is my advice to you as we’ve just moved depots from next door and things are still not fully sorted yet.
My pm’s are off but feel free to ask anything on here i’m not shy but i’m sure you already know the basics if you’ve had an interview.
The assessor was a middle aged slim fella with greying hair, can’t remember his name. He was very particular and slightly annoying at times. I went for the job remembering that you recently said most work 5 on 3 off. They are not offering those shifts any more, which is a shame.
I had my assessment in the new depot, small yard.
Could you get me a number to ring to enquire if there has been any decisions made, that would be a big help. I suppose with 11 jobs on offer it will take time.
You could try this number on here…culinacareers.co.uk/culina/a … tions.html
Shame about not being able to get 5 & 3 but i did hear a little whisper about trying to phase it out to new starters.
What start times and shift pattern were you offered then ?
The shifts were, of the top of my head, Tue - Sat, Sun - Thurs and one where you work Sat and Sun. There was mention of Mon - Fri, but, he was a little hesitant about that one. I would not work Sat and Sun every week, got two kids and I told him that at the interview.
Why dont they have a rota and every body does the same is beyond me.
Why dont they have a rota and every body does the same is beyond me.
We also do a bit of ambient from our place and that is why there’s different shift patterns because there’s more work from Monday to Friday than on weekends.
Monday - Friday is what I would like, fingers crossed.
Monday - Friday is what I would like, fingers crossed.
Well good luck and let us know how it went.
Still not heard anything. I tried the number Bald Bloke suggested and it never gets answered and they have this week put the job(s) on the Job Centre website.