CSA on VOSA checkpoint

Can a driver get done for not answering questions from the CSA.DWP inspectors working together in multi-agency checks.What if a police officer was present at the time?

You are under no legal obligation to answer any question from anyone other than what you’re required to tell a Police Officer. Quite what the CSA are doing there is beyond me but I’d politely tell them to sod off.

If you’re ex-Forces and there’s a Police Officer there with the CSA bod, then as soon as the CSA bod starts asking questions tell the Police Officer they have to arrest them under Section 76 Counter Terrorism Act 2008 as it is an offence to solicit information from a member or ex-member of the security services which may be of use to a terrorist, such as your name and address. You probably won’t get anywhere but they’ll hopefully get the drift.

Section 76
Terrorist offences
76 Offences relating to information about members of armed forces etc

(1) After section 58 of the Terrorism Act 2000 (collection of information) insert–
“58A Eliciting, publishing or communicating information about members of armed forces etc

(1) A person commits an offence who–

(a) elicits or attempts to elicit information about an individual who is or has been–

(i) a member of Her Majesty’s forces,

(ii) a member of any of the intelligence services, or

(iii) a constable,

which is of a kind likely to be useful to a person committing or preparing an act of terrorism, or

(b) publishes or communicates any such information.

Not sure waht you mean by “done” but surely if you refuse to answer then a more detailed investigation will follow.

i have been stop at these check points and IMHO if you don’t tell what there want to know there will have you arrested for not give the info required that’s why police are there, as there have the power to ask any questions cos if your working and claiming at the same time you are committing a crime

Coat,hat ,taxi,P45. :smiley:

Multi agency checkpoints are usually Police VOSA & DWP - and yes, a refusal to answer will arouse suspicion and they are likely to investigate deeper

i have been stop at these check points and IMHO if you don’t tell what there want to know there will have you arrested for not give the info required that’s why police are there, as there have the power to ask any questions cos if your working and claiming at the same time you are committing a crime

and each time you get stopped i bet you say.

"alright orrficar…has she given birth yet…didnt realise she was YOUR wife till afterwards :exclamation: " :wink: :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Coat,hat ,taxi,P45. :smiley:

:open_mouth: :smiley: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: spit everywhere :unamused:

Bites lip and resists the temptation not to unleash a vast amount of vitriol on this subject.

Cruise Control:

i have been stop at these check points and IMHO if you don’t tell what there want to know there will have you arrested for not give the info required that’s why police are there, as there have the power to ask any questions cos if your working and claiming at the same time you are committing a crime

and each time you get stopped i bet you say.

"alright orrficar…has she given birth yet…didnt realise she was YOUR wife till afterwards :exclamation: " :wink: :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

no mate he just said we after stop meeting like this i said your wife said that last night :sunglasses: :stuck_out_tongue: :slight_smile: :wink: :smiley: :smiley:

Bites lip and resists the temptation not to unleash a vast amount of vitriol on this subject.

Go on… you know you want to :wink:

They asked me if giving a girl twins each year between when she’s 18 and 20 would count as 4 lots of payments out of my wages and 4 in the teenage pregnancy statistics,or one?.I just said fxxxk off I’m still a virgin. :laughing: :laughing:

Quite what the CSA are doing there is beyond me but I’d politely tell them to sod off.

Back-door, underhand tactics - in my opinion.

I recall a few years ago (pre-CSA days) being pulled into a “multi agency checkpoint” and become so irate with the one trying to catch dole fiddlers that the attending policeman told her to stop asking questions and go have a cup of tea :open_mouth:

She tipped me over the edge with the ridiculous (attempted) allegation that if I were innocent, I had nothing to hide :unamused:

But I was fairly fresh out of the Army at the time and hadn’t yet de-brainwashed myself :wink:

all you are legally requierd to give them and even the police and vosa is your name, address, date of birth, you dont have to answer any questions unless you are under arrest or caution but as rog says it would arouse suspicion n they would start digging, realisicly all the csa need to do is look on the inland revenue data base to find out who you work for and how much you earn

I remember once getting pulled up at a multi-agency spotcheck t Wakefield. when I was signing on the dole and did a day to help a mate out who was an owner driver.

Sure as eggs is eggs, DSS is there. “Are you signing on?”
“You know you’re not allowed to sign on and work?” says the civil service moron with a look of sheer glee in his eyes.
“■■■■■■■■. I’m allowed to work up to 16 hrs a week without signing off, just have to declare what I’ve done and what I earn. Only doing today.”
“You’ll have to sign off otherwise we’ll nick you”
“What for? Not breaking any laws.”

Anyway, duly ends up signing off on the spot. Following day went into dole office, to go sign back on, who duly phoned the Wakefield office and kicked off because of the amount of paperwork and aggro they’d just caused them. Was worth the aggro to watch one civil service moron having a go at another…

all you are legally requierd to give them and even the police and vosa is your name, address, date of birth,

You don’t even have to give the police that, only if they say they are reporting you for an offence or if you are arrested do you have to supply that information. I’ve refused to give that information a few times and because they weren’t arresting or reporting me they had to give up when I didn’t comply with their request.

The problem with being stopped when driving is that is one of the few occasions under English law when you do have to give your name and address. So while you can tell them bugger all in general while driving you are kinda screwed.

Except where you are the driver of a vehicle, have been involved in an accident or committed a road traffic offence, you never have to give your date of birth and they cannot arrest or detain you for refusal to give them your DOB.

They are there for the sheer fact of dole bums dodging the system. People claiming thousands in benefits every year, rent/tax/dr/dentist, some will prob scam a lot more, and yet are able to go out and do a CASH IN ■■■■■■■■. It always makes me wonder how certain neighbours never work but always have nice cars, holidays etc etc…

My MP told me I am under no obligation to answer their questions.
Thats my poicy.


I got stopped by what at the time was the ministry and the guy asked me a load of questions then someone from the dhss startewd asking me questions I refused to answer them.

So the ministry guy handed her his clipboard so she could see his answers.