Has any one been to Croatia since they joined the EU. im heading down there next week and from what i can gather there is no paper work to be done anymore just a passport check and prob a check of the cmr. Use to have to do the carnet but looks like its no longer needed.
euromat was down there recently i think, try GB1 too, i think he was there not too long back
nah i work with mat and we havent been recently… the border only opened up 1 week ago hence the question but thanks for the reply.
Aye, just remembered, it was Serbia he went to
yep we transited there to get to sofia at the start of bon jovi.
Carnet no longer required. Just passport and CMR check.
Carnet no longer required. Just passport and CMR check.
cheers pal i was 99percent sure that was the case but the 1percent was niggling me and didnt wanna f it up. ill have a carnet anyways as off to turkey afterwards but was just making sure… As they say. If you dont know ask.
Give Scott at Pulleyns in Reading a ring to ask.They go that way and do Turkey too.
Cheers Toby we go Down there alot too. But was just confirming what I thought. We run on differe t paper work then Pullyens do so I’d get an answer but not the right one.