Croatia ??

I need to send a 7.5t to Croatia very soon for an exhibition, can anybody tell me whats involved tolls/vignette/routes wise please.

all advice greatly received :smiley:

Can’t help with the tolls and taxes as I haven’t driven there but remember Croatia isn’t in the EU so you will need some kind of customs documentation, probably a carnet if it is exhibition work. Sorry if I am pointing out the bleeding obvious and if I am just ignore me. :wink:

Jesus point out the bleeding obvious why dont you :exclamation: :exclamation: :exclamation: :unamused:

Only kidding, I think I have the carnet bit sorted althought the Croat Embassy are’nt very helpfull .

Just wondering wether to sail it out from Italy or travel overland.

Depending on where abouts you are headed for and the price for the job dictates
which route will be the better one either ITALY and the boat , or Austria Slovenia
Croatia, or perhaps ,Austria Hungary Croatia,for tolls look onthe EURO STICKYS’
post the information is there to read , I have a friend who goes via Austria
Slovenia,Croatia when he has a pick up to do but then his pick up is all ways
along the Croatia coast line so it for him the best way , any more questions
the good thing is that you are not bound by the Sunday driving ban unless
other wise stated , any more questions , ask away some one will have a answer for you

The last time i went to croatia was to zagreb via austria to karrawanker border[spelling].Then slovinia to marbor into croatia down to zagreb. if you go this way watch out for austrian customs,some can be aukward with you,thats putting it politely.By the way im ret. now but if you transit austria do you still need eco points?.
regards dave.
P.S.Good luck and enjoy.

eco points no Dave not any more just a GO-BOX and a euro 3,4.or 5 motor

brit pete:
eco points no Dave not any more just a GO-BOX and a euro 3,4.or 5 motor

Thanks for the info pete.
regards dave.

@dafdave i said Euro 3.4 and five motors because the Maut charges
for these type of lorry’s are high and over here in GERMANY the majority
of German transport firms have no euro 1 or 2 even 3 motors as the maut
for these is so expensive

brit pete:
@dafdave i said Euro 3.4 and five motors because the Maut charges
for these type of lorry’s are high and over here in GERMANY the majority
of German transport firms have no euro 1 or 2 even 3 motors as the maut
for these is so expensive

I thank you again pete but since ive been ret since 2001 germany was still on the vigenette so the maut is something i never expereanced,also i think the euro motors were just about being developed.You dont have to be out of this job too long to find yourself out of date.Thanks again its very interesting.
regards dave.

As of the route, depends where are you heading, but IT-HR ferries are more of detour really, Ancona-Zadar, Pescara-Split, Bari-Dubrovnik. Plus, out of season the services can be limited.
Germany - Austria is better option. You either go Salzburg - Villach - Ljubljana and then south for Rijeka or west for Novo Mesto where you have the choice of going to Zagreb or Karlovac and then south. The other option is Linz - Graz- Maribor - Zagreb which is easier (less hilly).
There aslso non-motorway options.
You don’t stop at A-SLO border, it’s EU and Schengen, you stop at SLO-HR border. Officially you need passport, but ID’s are normally accepted - I am not sure you have IDs in the UK :slight_smile:
If you have anything that can attract the attention of Croation border guards, such as bulging curtains, too many flags in the windscreen, dripping air con condensate etc, have a fiver ready.
You’ll need to sort out customs which also costs money, official fees, agent charges, tips possibly… Do not offer bribes straightway, it can make things worse, wait and see, if they look like they want something use a fiver.
Change euro/pounds into kunas, they’ll be useful later.
Motorway is paid at booths, cards and euro accepted but the rate is crap and change is given in kuna anyway.
Zagreb bypass is free… as of the cost… H border to Zagreb is ~ 100kuna for a lorry. or is the motorway company website wiht all the info (i think)

presume with being exhibition you mean ATA carnet? dunno about them but croatia don’t recognise TIR for terminating cargoes so you need to be sure of the final clearance point/agent and also their agent on whichever border you’ll enter by, and get NES documents done in UK upon exit

croatia don’t recognise TIR for terminating cargoes

Are you sure about that?? Or do you mean Bosnia?

Argonaut will be most likely be on ATA anyway, just that I never heard of Croatia not recognizing TIR (but I’ve heard that Bosnia does not have things sorted with the UN so no TIR there)

I have been to Croatia a few times in the past couple of months.
My way of choice would be Graz-Maribor then down to Zagreb.
Need an NES from UK, Then find an agent at the border but carry plenty of euros for paperwork.

Just came from Zagreb. Tolls were paid in euros as very few if the booths took euroshell or uta. Which way will u be going in. He carnet process is very easy and they get you out quick.

Assuming you’re using an ATA Carnet, so Customs clearance is easily done on the border. Its advisable to have several copies of the manifest, as you’ll need one for the point of exit Customs, one for the point of entry Customs, and the same on the way back. If you have’nt got them, it’s possible to get photocopies done on the border, but, of course, they will charge you.


croatia don’t recognise TIR for terminating cargoes

Are you sure about that?? Or do you mean Bosnia?

Argonaut will be most likely be on ATA anyway, just that I never heard of Croatia not recognizing TIR (but I’ve heard that Bosnia does not have things sorted with the UN so no TIR there)

certainly am upto about 6 months ago - things do change though, it’s what makes the job such a pleasure :wink:

Agree with gb1, it will almost certainly go on an ATA carnet and this will almost certainly clear on the border, they may take all day about clearing it if they are feeling in the mood or they may have you stamped and on your way in ten minutes.

We are sending an exhibition to Croatia this week, it is going via Italy and Slovenia.