if you have one of the new type master cards or similar with the airport logo ( as in internet airport ) be very careful , they can be read by anyone with a portable card reader , even as you pass them in the street . i keep mine in a foil wrapper to shield it .
Driving Miss Daisy …Why are you so upset ■■? did you or someone in your family have a credit card and where foolish with it …The op has asked for advice ,we do not know him or what he is like with money etc …I have given him advice on a issue I have suffered prior to having a credit card ,and the grief of someone having gained access to your bank details to enable them to buy an I pad is not pleasant…With so many transactions now done via the internet ,and with them requesting the security code (bit of a joke )along with name ,address ,account etc …it is silly not to have a credit card if purchasing online .Yes there is people who abuse it ,but mine is left at home tucked away Not everyone who has a credit card is incompetent with money Like it or not everyone has or has had credit
Legalise Class A drugs!
I guess your on them
if you have one of the new type master cards or similar with the airport logo ( as in internet airport ) be very careful , they can be read by anyone with a portable card reader , even as you pass them in the street . i keep mine in a foil wrapper to shield it .
I have heard of them ,even though you pay cash ,the shops machine picks up your card and debits it ■■ or am I wrong ? thank
god my card stays at home
if you have one of the new type master cards or similar with the airport logo ( as in internet airport ) be very careful , they can be read by anyone with a portable card reader , even as you pass them in the street . i keep mine in a foil wrapper to shield it .I have heard of them ,even though you pay cash ,the shops machine picks up your card and debits it ■■ or am I wrong ? thank
god my card stays at home
It these types:
if you have one of the new type master cards or similar with the airport logo ( as in internet airport ) be very careful , they can be read by anyone with a portable card reader , even as you pass them in the street . i keep mine in a foil wrapper to shield it .I have heard of them ,even though you pay cash ,the shops machine picks up your card and debits it ■■ or am I wrong ? thank
god my card stays at home
I very much doubt any one would risk commiting fraud for the sake of scamming the max of £20 off your card though!! used to be £15.
Driving Miss Daisy …Why are you so upset ■■? did you or someone in your family have a credit card and where foolish with it …The op has asked for advice ,we do not know him or what he is like with money etc …I have given him advice on a issue I have suffered prior to having a credit card ,and the grief of someone having gained access to your bank details to enable them to buy an I pad is not pleasant…With so many transactions now done via the internet ,and with them requesting the security code (bit of a joke )along with name ,address ,account etc …it is silly not to have a credit card if purchasing online .Yes there is people who abuse it ,but mine is left at home tucked away Not everyone who has a credit card is incompetent with money Like it or not everyone has or has had credit
Upset? Not really, concerned that yet another human being is being swallowed by the money lenders. You are, it appears, the 1 in 20 who uses these things to his own advantage which on the face of it, is a good thing. But if everyone used them like that they would disappear overnight as the parasites wouldn’t be making any money. So, in effect, you are being subsidised by those who are not so shrewd. The other 19 that is. That’s not your fault but it is the fault of the parasites who have no conscience in exploiting the weaker side of human nature. I can already detect warning signs in the young mans’ posts as I’m sure others can. My guess is he is 24 going by his username. I’m 54 and yes I’ve been one of those suckers with multiple cards in the past and I wouldn’t trust myself with one still. He’s asked for advice but it’s fairly obvious he didn’t actually want it unless it was confirmation of his thinking. I don’t know about you but as one of the older generation I feel i would be neglecting my human responsibility to young people to keep quiet. In all honesty I think these parasites do more harm to more people than hard drugs, hence my previous remark. I hope Smoggie will reconsider his options. He will get more out of life if he cuts that little piece of plastic up.
Jesus had it right when he scattered the moneylenders in the Temple.
Edit to add a full stop I missed. OK Olag…
Sorry! Olog!
I’ve used one for thirty years or more, since the first Barclaycard came out. Always paid it off every month, never had a debt, or any other problem with it. I now have a Direct Debit set up with my bank to pay it off each month, so I no longer even have to remember to pay it!
Used it all over Europe, its accepted everywhere, so I no longer need to carry stealable cash, and if it does get pinched (or cloned) Barclaycard cover it. And as someone mentioned, it will guarantee purchases over £100
Used wisely, a credit card is the best, and safest thing since cash was invented.
Don’t do it! Save for the things you want and earn interest then negotiate a big discount for cash. Most things are overpriced anyway so why pay more than necessary? Downward spiral in my opinion
Just a thought too: my accountant friend has a wallet full of them, and he’s a pretty shrewd guy!
if you have one of the new type master cards or similar with the airport logo ( as in internet airport ) be very careful , they can be read by anyone with a portable card reader , even as you pass them in the street . i keep mine in a foil wrapper to shield it .I have heard of them ,even though you pay cash ,the shops machine picks up your card and debits it ■■ or am I wrong ? thank
god my card stays at home
I very much doubt any one would risk committing fraud for the sake of scamming the max of £20 off your card though!! used to be £15.
That’s not whats at stake. It’s the info on the card, that in theory could then be put on another card, or used via a net purchase. (In theory, that is, capturing data over the air). There’s been stories of peoples cards being used to pay for items when at the till, but not the card in their hand, a different one thats still in their ■■■■■.
Just a thought too: my accountant friend has a wallet full of them, and he’s a pretty shrewd guy!
He’s an accountant therefore he’s shrewd? Doesn’t necessarily follow!
I’ve got two:
Barclaycard Platinum. Gives cashback so all spending is done on it and its cleared in full every month.
Santander Zero (no longer available). No charge for cash withdrawals from cash machines and no currency conversion fees so I use it when I go abroad on holiday.
Done right they can be far cheaper than bank loans. Tesco do 18 months interest free on purchases, some do interest free on cash transfers for a small fee, some do fixed rate for life. Certainly if you want to borrow less than £7k then these type of credit cards need to be considered instead of a loan. Of course you don’t do any other spending on them and you pay them off before the end of the promotional period though.
I’ve used one for thirty years or more, since the first Barclaycard came out. Always paid it off every month, never had a debt, or any other problem with it. I now have a Direct Debit set up with my bank to pay it off each month, so I no longer even have to remember to pay it!
Used it all over Europe, its accepted everywhere, so I no longer need to carry stealable cash, and if it does get pinched (or cloned) Barclaycard cover it. And as someone mentioned, it will guarantee purchases over £100
Used wisely, a credit card is the best, and safest thing since cash was invented.
Ditto, keep all your receipts & set up a spreadsheet for each month to record all your purchases. I use mine 99% of the time, that way you can keep track of how much you are spending (even for a couple of quid in Tesco’s)
Set up the direct debit to pay it off every month, although the first 9 months are interest free, it will encourage you to build up an impossible debt, then they will hit you with interest charges every month until you pay it off, Grrrrrrrr !
Barclaycard pay some cash back but only in the first couple of grand each year. (I got £44 last month)
I only use interest free Credit Cards & pay back the minimum on some big purchases (but always pay it off just before the interest free ends) the money likes to stay in my 123 account gaining 3% interest instead.
I personally won’t ever get one. If you can’t afford something don’t buy it I certainly would rather go without then start paying over the odds for something when the interest kicks in. However I did have my pay pal account hacked In the summer with over a grand coming out off my current account which I was lucky to get back my mum has a credit card so any online purchases now I use hers and give her the cash. And don’t get drawn into the old “you need a credit card to build your credit rating bs” , I’ve just secured a mortgage on a house and am keeping my flat I own to rent I’m 27 never had a loan car finance or anything so my credit rating should be ■■■■ but obv it’s not. It’s not what you earn but what you do with it, If you can’t afford something wait until you can no one can come and take it off you then.
Credit Cards are the work of the devil even the name is wrong its not credit its debt, hey would you like one of our debt cards then you can be our ■■■■■ for years to come.
On a serious note if you are good with money and are going to pay it in full every month then they have there uses.
my father in law had a cc with barclay card, had it for years and a massive limit 1000,s, but he paid it off religiously every month before any interest could be added… about 2 years ago they wrote to him and basically cancelled the account as they were not making any money out of him… moral is credit cards are only there for the bank to make money…
just do what I did £5000 on the card spend spend spend then when you’ve been given one the other companies will be falling over themselves to give you more £35,000 in total before I went bankrupt and what a great time I had ? only took me 2 years after bankruptcy to get credit again ? go for it as long as you don’t own your own house its like free money ? …
just do what I did £5000 on the card spend spend spend then when you’ve been given one the other companies will be falling over themselves to give you more £35,000 in total before I went bankrupt and what a great time I had ? only took me 2 years after bankruptcy to get credit again ? go for it as long as you don’t own your own house its like free money ? …
I must remember to ignore anything you say in future…
if you pay them off in full every month your ok
make purchase take delivery pay them
i have both Master and Visa dunno the interest
just remember to pay the right one lol