Crazy driver

All i can say!! A PROPER Driver :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I wouldn’t say he was that crazy, seems to me he is confident and is making progress instead of over compensating for a bit of snow and causing hold ups. I used to enjoy getting out into lane two and making good progress over the fresh snowfall while the car drivers are messing about in lane one with fear in their eyes.

Keep 'er lit :laughing:

Maybe it’s because it wasn’t a twin track (dual carriageway) but traffic could come the other way and visibility wasn’t that good either.

I wouldn’t say he was that crazy, seems to me he is confident and is making progress instead of over compensating for a bit of snow and causing hold ups. I used to enjoy getting out into lane two and making good progress over the fresh snowfall while the car drivers are messing about in lane one with fear in their eyes.

Do you not realise that its not a dual carriageway but a single carriageway and that the camera car had to brake to allow the lorry to fit in front of him and watch for the cars coming against him the SECOND he pulls in.


I wouldn’t say he was that crazy, seems to me he is confident and is making progress instead of over compensating for a bit of snow and causing hold ups. I used to enjoy getting out into lane two and making good progress over the fresh snowfall while the car drivers are messing about in lane one with fear in their eyes.

Do you not realise that its not a dual carriageway but a single carriageway

Of course I do, the traffic coming the other way kind of gave it away.:wink: :smiley:

and that the camera car had to brake to allow the lorry to fit in front of him

The camera always makes that distance look a lot less than it actually is, I’ve shot hours of video from a truck windscreen and watching it back always makes it look closer than it was. I’ve even been know to jump on the ‘brakes’ under my desk when watching stuff back, and I was there when the original video was shot.:wink: :smiley: looking at that and knowing how the camera shows it i would say he had a fair bit of room.

and watch for the cars coming against him the SECOND he pulls in.

He saw an opportunity to overtake a slower vehicle and get back in, he took it. Would he be crazy if he overtook without the snow? For some reason people just over react to snow and anybody who doesn’t drive at 15 mph when it is snowing becomes an idiot. :wink: :smiley:

I’m with Coffeeholic and wouldn’t say that driver to be crazy although they have quite much different traffic culture in Eastern Europe. Three trucks side by side overtaking each others on single carriageway isn’t anything really uncommon even here in Finland, and usually at least middle one has “long plates” (Russian plates). They also have habit of driving on a “convoy” where trucks ahead of you yell on the CB to trucks driving behind them when it’s “safe” to overtake despite actual visibility what driver of overtaking truck has.


and that the camera car had to brake to allow the lorry to fit in front of him

The camera always makes that distance look a lot less than it actually is

And not to even mention camera had the zoom which makes it even more difficult to judge what the real distance was.

For some reason people just over react to snow and anybody who doesn’t drive at 15 mph when it is snowing becomes an idiot. :wink: :smiley:

Or then they drive just like it would be normal summer day with dry asphalt :unamused:

To right proper driver. Coming back from Austria a last year january heavy snow fall and all the Trucks were in the 3rd lane of the autobahn… Must admit alot were from DHL and do the route everynite.