Crash for cash

If you did not see it it makes interesting viewing . … od#3556965

About 36 minutes long in total

When was it on please

Just noticed it’s on this week too.

When was it on please

Thursday 2200 channel 4

Just noticed it’s on this week too.

Thanks didn’t know that .You sure its not a repeat of this weeks one.

Dunno, thought it was on this week but when I saw it in the TV mag thought perhaps I was dreaming. Didn’t say 2/2 or anything so could be a repeat.

The story was in the newspapers some time back.

Here is an article with a rogues gallery of the family involved. … sh-1760678

~~ Warning ~~ If you click on the pictures - Try not to have nightmares! :wink:

The fraud was so bad that people living in Derwentside, County Durham, where the main players behind the scam were based, paid up to £100 extra for car insurance.

Now here is a thought…

As that scam has now been cleared up - will all those motorists in Derwentside get a refund for the time they were paying a £100 extra on their policies? Or has the £3 million made from the fraud been written off?

When you know you’ve been scammed, Just tell them you’re banned from driving and you don’t have insurance. :laughing: