Crash for Cash with Buses! … 0-000.html

Just heard another one being discussed on Jeremy Vine with Vanessa now. I am shocked :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

This is why insurance is so high, see this whiplash pish id get it tae ■■■■, make it illegal to make a claim for. You’ve got a sore neck you’re no getting ■■■■ all.

shock horror its a con by Indians AGAIN ( other creeds and nationality’s could be available )

shock horror its a con by Indians AGAIN ( other creeds and nationality’s could be available )

The accident claims company called City Claims 4 U run by Mohammed Gulzar and Shoaib Nawaz in Pitsmoor Road, Sheffield.

Gulzar, 30, Nawaz, 25, and Nisar Hussain, 28, all from Sheffield; Liam Howden, 25, of Rotherham, Javed Khan, 46, of Birmingham, Sami Selam, 37, of Flint, North Wales and Kiran Shaheen, 21, of Bradford all deny conspiracy to defraud.

:unamused: :laughing: :unamused: :laughing: :unamused: :laughing: :unamused: :laughing: :unamused: :laughing: :unamused: :laughing: :unamused: :laughing: :unamused: :laughing: :unamused: :laughing: :unamused: :laughing:

I would geld those people and send them to their ancestral home lands ,we dont need them here.

Didn’t click the link, didn’t need to.

Knew bloody well who the scam artists would be, anything to dodge a proper days work.


shock horror its a con by Indians AGAIN ( other creeds and nationality’s could be available )

The accident claims company called City Claims 4 U run by Mohammed Gulzar and Shoaib Nawaz in Pitsmoor Road, Sheffield.

Gulzar, 30, Nawaz, 25, and Nisar Hussain, 28, all from Sheffield; Liam Howden, 25, of Rotherham, Javed Khan, 46, of Birmingham, Sami Selam, 37, of Flint, North Wales and Kiran Shaheen, 21, of Bradford all deny conspiracy to defraud.

:unamused: :laughing: :unamused: :laughing: :unamused: :laughing: :unamused: :laughing: :unamused: :laughing: :unamused: :laughing: :unamused: :laughing: :unamused: :laughing: :unamused: :laughing: :unamused: :laughing:

Would mssrs above happen to be non-caucasian people perchance? :smiley: :smiling_imp:

Dear god, you wonder why waggon drivers get a bad press ■■? :unamused:

Their ethnic origins are irrelevant, they are criminals and given the choice of one or the other I would sooner be associated with them than a bunch of racists.

Dear god, you wonder why waggon drivers get a bad press ■■? :unamused:

Their ethnic origins are irrelevant, they are criminals and given the choice of one or the other I would sooner be associated with them than a bunch of racists.

not Racist fella it just happens that most of the big cons are being run it seems by non WHITE ENGLISH

Dear god, you wonder why waggon drivers get a bad press ■■? :unamused:

Their ethnic origins are irrelevant, they are criminals and given the choice of one or the other I would sooner be associated with them than a bunch of racists.

I understand that it is irrelevant what their nationality or ethnic origins are but it isn’t being racist pointing out that the majority of them are of Asian origin!

Unless I have missed something

I would geld those people and send them to their ancestral home lands ,we dont need them here.

do we have an extratadition treaty with Bradford then ?

Dear god, you wonder why waggon drivers get a bad press ■■? :unamused:

Their ethnic origins are irrelevant, they are criminals and given the choice of one or the other I would sooner be associated with them than a bunch of racists.

All im saying ‘‘if the shoe fits’’

shock horror its a con by Indians AGAIN ( other creeds and nationality’s could be available )

Don’t tar Indians with the same brush as British Pakistanis.It is the Pakistani muslims who do this, just as it is these animals who are involved in the grooming of white schoolgirls.

I live in West Yorkshire and have grown up in a very mixed area, so i know that people with an Indian background are usually law abiding.They actually hate the Pakistani muslims with a passion, and are being forced out of some areas of Bradford due to the muslim invasion.

Didn’t click the link, didn’t need to.

Knew bloody well who the scam artists would be, anything to dodge a proper days work.

works for politicians too. On both counts :exclamation:

I’m shocked that people listen to that turd, vine. The amount of crap he spouts would keep united utilities busy for years.

I’m shocked that people listen to that turd, vine. The amount of crap he spouts would keep united utilities busy for years.

isnt vine this week its that razor sharp interviewer feltz realy gets her guests on the rack


I’m shocked that people listen to that turd, vine. The amount of crap he spouts would keep united utilities busy for years.

isnt vine this week its that razor sharp interviewer feltz realy gets her guests on the rack

Might have a listen then. But as soon as vine is back its back to smooth for me :sunglasses:


shock horror its a con by Indians AGAIN ( other creeds and nationality’s could be available )

Don’t tar Indians with the same brush as British Pakistanis.It is the Pakistani muslims who do this, just as it is these animals who are involved in the grooming of white schoolgirls.

I live in West Yorkshire and have grown up in a very mixed area, so i know that people with an Indian background are usually law abiding.They actually hate the Pakistani muslims with a passion, and are being forced out of some areas of Bradford due to the muslim invasion.

  • 1, Im from Bradford and fully agree with you, it was reported in the local rag a long while ago Leeds Road in Bradford was particularly a favourite location for the crash for cash merchants.

My bus company has to pay the 1st £250000 of any claim. … cash-scam/

And these villains don’t look very non white non European !!!
After they arrested premiums went down in that area.