cracked screen

The unit I was driving today has a crack in the windscreen at the start of the shift was about a third of the way up the screen, by the end of the shift it had made it from the bottom to the top. Question is when does it become illegal. It was VOR’d at the end of shift. The crack was just to the left of centre as viewed from the drivers seat.

The unit I was driving today has a crack in the windscreen at the start of the shift was about a third of the way up the screen, by the end of the shift it had made it from the bottom to the top. Question is when does it become illegal. It was VOR’d at the end of shift. The crack was just to the left of centre as viewed from the drivers seat.

lt becomes illegal if it hampers the view of the driver or it goes from edge to edge making it a seperate piece of glass - at least that is the legal position I have always been told

1 crack when it goes for mot. more than 1 when ever you like to call the windscreen company out :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I would never take a truck out with a crack in the screen or if the employer insisted then it always seemed to become illegal about half a mile from the yard … dunno how that happened though … must have hit a good sized pothole in the road …

The unit I was driving today has a crack in the windscreen at the start of the shift was about a third of the way up the screen.

“One Third” sounds illegal.

I would have brought the Transport Manager from his office and sought his advice,
together with another Driver as a witness.

Why was’nt it reported at the end of the last shift ?
Or did the ‘Fairies’ crack it over night ?

A chip is okay but a crack is illegal isnt it ?

There are chips, and there are CHIPS, some bigger than others, same as a crack, and i have always been led to believe, that it must not impair a drivers vision, so if its in front of your face, dont take it out, if its not, write a defect sheet.

I would not have left yard with a crack in windscreen like previous correspondance on this topic put the onus back in the hands of the transport manager.

As Gavin from Autoglass will tell you. A chip in the windscreen is repairable. A crack isn’t

A chip within the wiper arc is an MOT fail.

The fact that it was cracked didn’t bother me I drove it for three days with a crack in it. It was reported at the end of the first shift and I was asked to keep an eye on it which I did. the reason I posted is I seemed to remember if it got from edge to edge this is when it became illegal as Rog confirmed. Until that point I don’t mind driving it, but I’m not going to wind up getting fined. When I got back to the yard I reported it, it was VOR’d.

Should have got Gavin to inject “some of his special resin” into it :neutral_face: