How much does the 35hrs of training cost roughly.


Depends on what courses you do, some cost around 60 per 7 hours

Or adr cost around 500 for 21 hours cpc?

Many paying for themselves just want to do all 35 as cheap as possible so might opt to do a £50 (or less) all inclusive course on the regs FIVE TIMES = £250 for the lot or less

What do you have to do to be able to train CPc to drivers ? Can anyone train other in CPc or have thay got to be registered in some way them selfs ?

A recognised teaching qualification and thorough knowledge of the subject. But it makes you wonder sometimes…!

BTW, 5 days with us is £403.75 all in. There’s the argument for getting it as cheap as possible and getting the ticks in the box. There’s much stronger arguments for paying properly and actually learning something.

In the Prof Drivers forum, I’ve just given away two days of training in the hope I can prove that it really is worth doing. I understand the resentment - - but it is built on the belief that the training is crap and poorly presented.

Pete :laughing: :laughing:

To teach periodic CPC a trainer must be approved during the course approval process. As Peter says this involves providing evidence of both instructional ability / experience as well as a thorough knowledge of the subject matter.

Regarding the cost of training, price will not necessarily be an indication of quality. The quality will be determined mostly by the trainers ability to pass his knowledge to a diverse group of mixed experienced students.

When attending a course you should look for a subject you feel weak in and would like to understand better. This will keep your interest up. You are going to be there for 8 hours approx either way and you have paid good money for it so try to get some actual benefit from the day. Not just another 7 hours nearer the end.

We charge just under £250 for the 35 hours all inc but to be fair we don’t have the overheads that Peter and some others have.

It’s really about value not just the price.

What do you have to do to be able to train CPc to drivers ? Can anyone train other in CPc or have thay got to be registered in some way them selfs ?

A letter from a current or former employer will often suffice for JAUPT(DSA) to approve a person to be a dcpc trainer

All dcpc trainers can only teach courses if they are under an approved dcpc provider

Dcpc providers are supposed to check that trainers are delivering courses correctly

JAUPT also have inspectors who can turn up to scutinise courses being delivered

JAUPT inspectors are not there to scrutinise the content of the courses but to ensure that courses run to the correct timetable etc

That is how I understand things are but am prepared to be corrected

A letter from a current or former employer will often suffice for JAUPT(DSA) to approve a person to be a dcpc trainer

All dcpc trainers can only teach courses if they are under an approved dcpc provider

Dcpc providers are supposed to check that trainers are delivering courses correctly

JAUPT also have inspectors who can turn up to scutinise courses being delivered

JAUPT inspectors are not there to scrutinise the content of the courses but to ensure that courses run to the correct timetable etc

That is how I understand things are but am prepared to be corrected

To be a dcpc trainer the person needs to hold a recognised training qualification. This can be DSA LGV Register, KETLLS, PETLLS, CERT ED etc. A letter from a previous employer may help to back up industry knowledge. When JAUPT visit, they do scrutinise everything about the course including content.

Pete :laughing: :laughing:

Peter Smythe:

A letter from a current or former employer will often suffice for JAUPT(DSA) to approve a person to be a dcpc trainer

All dcpc trainers can only teach courses if they are under an approved dcpc provider

Dcpc providers are supposed to check that trainers are delivering courses correctly

JAUPT also have inspectors who can turn up to scutinise courses being delivered

JAUPT inspectors are not there to scrutinise the content of the courses but to ensure that courses run to the correct timetable etc

That is how I understand things are but am prepared to be corrected

To be a dcpc trainer the person needs to hold a recognised training qualification. This can be DSA LGV Register, KETLLS, PETLLS, CERT ED etc. A letter from a previous employer may help to back up industry knowledge. When JAUPT visit, they do scrutinise everything about the course including content.

Pete :laughing: :laughing:

Things must have changed since I looked into this about 5 years ago

so if after i pass my theory and hazard test,i would need to do it again before september 2014 or will they still count towards module 1a & 1b and mean i only need to do mods 2 to 4


so if after i pass my theory and hazard test,i would need to do it again before september 2014 or will they still count towards module 1a & 1b and mean i only need to do mods 2 to 4

Some confusion, I think, if I understand the above correctly.

Once you’ve passed your theory and hazard perception test, you will then need to pass your practical driving test. The theory and HPT are often known as 1a and 1b and the practical driving test known as “3”.

Everyone wishing to drive professionally must hold a driver cpc. Those lucky ones who passed their car test prior to 1997 will hold C1 and consequently will hold their driver cpc on “acquired rights” - or “grandfather rights” as it is more commonly known.

Those who dont hold the driver cpc as above need to get the driver cpc by passing Mod 2 - case studies test at the theory test centre - and Mod 4 - a short (30 min) test at a driving test centre. Training is highly recommended for Module 4.

In all cases, to maintain the driver cpc, 35 hours of periodic training has to be completed within 5 years of the expiry of the current driver cpc. A new one, by passing Mods 2 and 4, is valid for 5 years so the periodic training can be started straight away. Grandfather rights holders need to crack on without delay as this expires Sept next year =- 2014.

Hope this helps. Pete :laughing: :laughing:

so if after i pass my theory and hazard test,i would need to do it again before september 2014 or will they still count towards module 1a & 1b and mean i only need to do mods 2 to 4


Modules 1a and 1b last for 2 years and have nothing to do with modules 2 and 4

Modules 1a and 1b are never needed again after passing module 3

Modules 2 and 4 when passed are never needed again for LGV


so if after i pass my theory and hazard test,i would need to do it again before september 2014 or will they still count towards module 1a & 1b and mean i only need to do mods 2 to 4


Modules 1a and 1b last for 2 years and have nothing to do with modules 2 and 4

Modules 1a and 1b are never needed again after passing module 3

Modules 2 and 4 when passed are never needed again for LGV

Thanks Rog,am bit confused so what is it you need to do every 5 years the to gain your cpc

what is it you need to do every 5 years the to gain your cpc

You can’t. You KEEP your driver cpc by attending 35 hours of periodic training within 5 years of the expiry of your current driver cpc. You will know how to get that by reading my previous post.

Pete :laughing: :laughing:

Passing initial LGV modules 2 and 4 gets you into the LGV periodic dcpc system - passing those two modules also gets you 5 years worth of periodic credit so to speak

That first 5 years of periodic credit is listed as the expiry date on the DQC - driver cpc card

To continue commercially driving LGVs after that expiry date on the DQC you need to get 35 hours of periodic dcpc before you get to the expiry date

If you complete the 35 hours at any time within the five years before the expiry date you get a new DQC with 5 years added to the current DQC expiry date and not from when you completed the last of the 35 hours

Periodic training can only count if done within the 5 years of the current DQC expiry date