Cpc, what's the point

In the last fortnight, I’ve been pulled in by vosa twice and never been asked if I had my cpc card on me. So, what’s the point in paying out for all that training for a plastic card that we are told we HAVE to carry, when the authorities can’t be bothered to check if we have it with us? And, yesterday when I was checked, the inspector asked me what I was carrying and if it was strapped down. I said yes it is, would you like to look. His reply was, no thanks. I must have a very honest face. Mind you, it does say on the wagon what we deliver, but he doesn’t know if it’s strapped down or even if I’m full of contraband. The country has gone mad. No wonder the country is full of illegal immigrants.

DVSA only need your driving licence number from your digital card/licence to check whether you have the DCPC or not. So in a lot of cases they don’t need to check the card. But I can see your point.

DVSA only need your driving licence number from your digital card/licence to check whether you have the DCPC or not. So in a lot of cases they don’t need to check the card. But I can see your point.

So what’s the point in having to carry the card? The day you forget your wallet is the day they want to see it. You can’t win.

I guess the card would come in if systems weren’t working to check if you have CPC or not.

You obviously passed the attitude test.