Cpc training in park royal

Much needed advice please: I had pre booked my last 7 hours with a certain training school in park royal, London just before xmas . This was from my own pocket, the remaining 7 hours was for sat 04/02/17, but I have been ill with flu so I rang them today to let them know I would not be attending. They told me they could not carry the 7 hours over for another time,so I would have to forfit 80 quid and re book and pay another 70 quid. Can I take my last 7 hours somewhere else as I don’t see why I should give them any more of my hard earned money. PLEASE HELP.

You can do the 35 hours by doing 7 hours with 5 different providers if you want to

OK Thanku also how can I make sure that my 28 hours has been passed onto the authorities

As Rog said,as long as they’re Jaupt approved you can do each 7 hours where you like.
Check your current hours here

gov.uk/check-your-driver-cp … ning-hours

A recent stint can take a few day to show

Just turn up & sit in the corner with a pile of tissues…

They can’t just keep your money if they didn’t inform you of their cancellation policy.

May well be in their T&C’s, but would def. check for sure if I were you.

Cheeky sods saying they are keeping it and you’ll have to re-book & re-pay.

There’s too much bollox going on in this industry as it is.

Much needed advice please: I had pre booked my last 7 hours with a certain training school in park royal, London just before xmas . This was from my own pocket, the remaining 7 hours was for sat 04/02/17, but I have been ill with flu so I rang them today to let them know I would not be attending. They told me they could not carry the 7 hours over for another time,so I would have to forfit 80 quid and re book and pay another 70 quid. Can I take my last 7 hours somewhere else as I don’t see why I should give them any more of my hard earned money. PLEASE HELP.

FFS! Man up and get it done! You won’t be driving anything so take a hip flask to keep you going…tart! :stuck_out_tongue:

Anybody know of any cpc training in the Enfield , Edmonton area please.

Anybody know of any cpc training in the Enfield , Edmonton area please.
