CPC Trainer

What qualifications would i need & what exams do i need to take to be a in-house CPC trainer■■?

EDIT: Our work premises are already a registered training centre.

rhaonline.co.uk/courses/course.php?id=3 - that might give you some idea

Thanks for the link, i had already found that but wasn’t sure it was that easy…as in just one course & your done.

Unless things have changed recently there’s no legal requirement for any kind of formal qualifications to become a Driver CPC instructor.

No formal qualifications required and no exams to pass, of course individual companies may have their own requirements.

Unless things have changed recently there’s no legal requirement for any kind of formal qualifications to become a Driver CPC instructor.

So you are actually saying that you could wing it, no qualifications or training…hmmmm (beard scratching and lightbulb moment)

Right!..That’s my aim for the new year then, CPC trainer., Oh yes.! bring it on. :sunglasses:

Taking bookings now lads, stripper will be booked (obviously) bring your own bottles. :laughing:

Seriously though, it’s a bit like a driving instructor with only a car licence taking you for a Class1 course, or am I way off here.

The course has to be approved by JAUPT but as far as I’m aware the trainer needs no formal qualifications.

The course has to be approved by JAUPT .

That’s it then :cry: …no strippers ! :unamused:
Sorry lads.

Ah well, back to the drawing board. :neutral_face:
Tacho enforcer? :wink:

So… if you already had the course material for a approved module any driver with that category entitlement could run a course ■■?

What I’m saying is…the DCPC where i work is done by the driver trainer at our premises which is an approved DCPC training centre, any of our drivers in theory could run a module■■?

So what is to stop me from filling out a form to say i held a DCPC module for 10 of my work colleagues at our yard that never happened■■?

So… if you already had the course material for a approved module any driver with that category entitlement could run a course ■■?

What I’m saying is…the DCPC where i work is done by the driver trainer at our premises which is an approved DCPC training centre, any of our drivers in theory could run a module■■?

So what is to stop me from filling out a form to say i held a DCPC module for 10 of my work colleagues at our yard that never happened■■?

The courses have to be approved by JAUPT and are directly linked to the training centre, but I don’t know if the course has to be linked to the trainer or if anyone can run the course once it’s been approved.

If your company was found to be crediting drivers with DCPC training that had not taken place the company would lose their JAUPT approval and the drivers would lose their credit for the course, if the company that holds the DCPC training centre is also a transport company I imagine they could also find themselves in trouble with the TC and possibly even putting their operators licence at risk.

I’m not sure if there’s any direct link between JAUPT and the DVSA but I doubt the DVSA would look favourably on a company that was found to be crediting drivers with training that hadn’t taken place.

:bulb: Email JAUPT = enquiries@jaupt.org.uk :bulb:


Unless things have changed recently there’s no legal requirement for any kind of formal qualifications to become a Driver CPC instructor.

So you are actually saying that you could wing it, no qualifications or training…hmmmm (beard scratching and lightbulb moment)

Right!..That’s my aim for the new year then, CPC trainer., Oh yes.! bring it on. :sunglasses:

Taking bookings now lads, stripper will be booked (obviously) bring your own bottles. :laughing:

Seriously though, it’s a bit like a driving instructor with only a car licence taking you for a Class1 course, or am I way off here.

Maybe a short term career move - EU requirement so will the CPC continue or not?

I’m not sure if there’s any direct link between JAUPT and the DVSA but I doubt the DVSA would look favourably on a company that was found to be crediting drivers with training that hadn’t taken place.

Hi tachograph,

I can say that there is some kind of a link between JAUPT and DVSA, so maybe there’s some stuff about it on GOV.UK

I know there’s some kind of link because I’ve had lesson verification visits from both DVSA and JAUPT on separate days of the same 5-day course, so I’ve heard it directly from the horse’s mouth during the tutor feedback discussion.

However, I don’t know the details of the working or structure of it because I’m not a provider.

There are no specific qualification requirements to be a DCPC trainer - yes anybody can do it whether they hold a specific driving licence or not.

I own an approved centre and I could if I wanted let my wife deliver courses and JAUPT cannot stop me.

However - the Approved centre has to be able to demonstrate how they check and verify a trainers suitability for the courses they allow them to deliver and will have to answer for a bum trainer if JAUPT were to challenge them.

When I register a course for approval, I have to send evidence of my trainers qualifications/experience/knowledge at that time, but to be honest I can then add any other trainer to that course at any time in the next 12 months without having to inform JAUPT. When I register my course schedule with JAUPT I have to supply the trainers name that will be delivering that course on that date - if there’s a new trainer who hasn’t been audited before they’ll be highly likely to get audited.

My DCPC centre was audited this month (a centre audit, not a course audit). The auditor spent quite a time going through my company trainer recruitment policies and then checking evidence that these policies were followed. He also checked the CPD files of my Approved trainers as well as myself. He also checked previous courses that had been delivered and checked the trainer that delivered it was on my approved list of trainers and then that they had been approved via my policy process. But - if I want my mate Albert to be my trainer and he has no qualifications JAUPT cannot stop me.

My own company has what I consider very high standards - as an example if I had an ADR awareness course approved by JAUPT I would not allow our very own Diesel Dave to deliver it until he had gone through the interview/assessment procedures and supplied me with suitable references and certificates. He’d then need to deliver a course in my presence before I would authorise him to deliver the course under my approval. He’d need to redo this process every 12 months.

However, I would say JAUPT haven’t got a flamin clue what they are doing and a trainer I experienced recently was absolutely useless - yet had been JAUPT audited with no adverse comments a few weeks earlier. As long as they stick to the course timings JAUPT are happy - or so it seems.

So in answer to the OP, just ask your employer. If they are an approved centre they will have a trainer recruitment/qualification policy. It is their choice what that is and their choice if they want to let you deliver their courses. They have to defend their actions.

Years ago I paid a large sum to the RHA and attended their CPC train the trainer one week course. What a complete farce. Everyone passed even those who couldn’t honestly stand in front of people and get their own name right.

My own personal opinion is that JAUPT/DVSA should have to approve trainers in the same was a TC approves Transport Managers. As it is they leave it to the training companies and some have no standards at all.

As for the query about links between JAUPT/DVSA etc. A recent case in Yorkshire where drivers were put through without attending at Allied Bakeries - the operator the drivers worked for lost their ‘O’ licence and Allied Bakeries received a final warning from the TC, but only because the company Directors convinced the TC they didn’t know it was going on. So yes - if the OPs company were found to be cheating the TC would get to know.


I’m not sure if there’s any direct link between JAUPT and the DVSA but I doubt the DVSA would look favourably on a company that was found to be crediting drivers with training that hadn’t taken place.

Hi tachograph,

I can say that there is some kind of a link between JAUPT and DVSA, so maybe there’s some stuff about it on GOV.UK

I know there’s some kind of link because I’ve had lesson verification visits from both DVSA and JAUPT on separate days of the same 5-day course, so I’ve heard it directly from the horse’s mouth during the tutor feedback discussion.

However, I don’t know the details of the working or structure of it because I’m not a provider.

Dave, when I delivered courses via a consortium I had DVSA and JAUPT arrive on the same day and neither knew the other was going to be there. They do not communicate - in fact I’d go so far as to say they don’t even like each other :wink: . DVSA auditors very rarely audit anyone but consortiums. It seems the particular consortium I was using were being watched due to low standards - I soon stopped using them.

Maybe a short term career move - EU requirement so will the CPC continue or not?

DFT have already confirmed DCPC is staying as far as they know. They’re aim is to improve it and make it more flexible for industry - whatever that means :unamused:

they allow them to deliver and will have to answer for a bum trainer if JAUPT were to challenge them.

A Bum Trainer? :open_mouth: …What kind of establishment are you running here exactly Shep ■■
Is Dipperdave aware of these courses. :smiley:

(Sorry for not taking this thread entirely serious, but it is what you would expect of me, … and I wouldn’t want to dissapoint. :laughing: )
Yeh I know…I’m childish :blush: sorry.

As for the query about links between JAUPT/DVSA etc. A recent case in Yorkshire where drivers were put through without attending at Allied Bakeries - the operator the drivers worked for lost their ‘O’ licence and Allied Bakeries received a final warning from the TC, but only because the company Directors convinced the TC they didn’t know it was going on. So yes - if the OPs company were found to be cheating the TC would get to know.

I hadn’t heard about this one but I’ve just found the story.

Bradford bakery firm stripped of vehicle fleet licence over drivers’ qualifications fraud



I’m not sure if there’s any direct link between JAUPT and the DVSA but I doubt the DVSA would look favourably on a company that was found to be crediting drivers with training that hadn’t taken place.

Hi tachograph,

I can say that there is some kind of a link between JAUPT and DVSA, so maybe there’s some stuff about it on GOV.UK

I know there’s some kind of link because I’ve had lesson verification visits from both DVSA and JAUPT on separate days of the same 5-day course, so I’ve heard it directly from the horse’s mouth during the tutor feedback discussion.

However, I don’t know the details of the working or structure of it because I’m not a provider.

Dave, when I delivered courses via a consortium I had DVSA and JAUPT arrive on the same day and neither knew the other was going to be there. They do not communicate - in fact I’d go so far as to say they don’t even like each other :wink: . DVSA auditors very rarely audit anyone but consortiums. It seems the particular consortium I was using were being watched due to low standards - I soon stopped using them.

Although I’ve never been a provider, what you’ve said sounds right to me when I remember comments I’ve heard from other providers.

I was once at another place when JAUPT and SQA both turned up on the same day!!

Speaking of the time when DVSA and JAUPT turned up on separate days on the same 5-day course, the DVSA person told me that they were there because JAUPT had fallen behind the inspection schedule/targets that they’d set, so I got the idea that DVSA keeps their eye on JAUPT.

When the JAUPT person came the next day, they were completely unaware that DVSA had been the day before, so I got the impression that there’s little (or no) communication between them.

I’ve now had another DVSA visit, IIRC it was in October this year.

:bulb: Oh for the pre-2009 days when all I had to worry about was SQA!! (before 2006 it was City & Guilds) but no, life isn’t allowed to be that easy any more… if I’m teaching an ADR course that’s registered for DCPC, there are now three different inspection bodies and they’re all looking to make their own mark in their own way. :open_mouth:


Maybe a short term career move - EU requirement so will the CPC continue or not?

DFT have already confirmed DCPC is staying as far as they know. They’re aim is to improve it and make it more flexible for industry - whatever that means :unamused:

We were staying in Europe and Hilary was going to be the next US president as far as anyone knew too though.


As for the query about links between JAUPT/DVSA etc. A recent case in Yorkshire where drivers were put through without attending at Allied Bakeries - the operator the drivers worked for lost their ‘O’ licence and Allied Bakeries received a final warning from the TC, but only because the company Directors convinced the TC they didn’t know it was going on. So yes - if the OPs company were found to be cheating the TC would get to know.

I hadn’t heard about this one but I’ve just found the story.

Bradford bakery firm stripped of vehicle fleet licence over drivers’ qualifications fraud

Oh dear the drivers hadn’t actually been to their modules of strapping bog rolls, in a curtainsider, so back to overloading light vans and no bother with driver’s hours. Another excellent win for Traffic Comissioners and the o-licensing system.

one possibility was to get replacement three and a half ton vehicles which were not HGVs