CPC Results (real ones, not the Mickey mouse ones)

Does anyone know when June’s CPC results will be out? Took the exam 6 weeks ago now and can’t settle!

I do mean the CPC National, not the meaningless driver cpc

Around the end of the month. Hope yours are good :laughing: :laughing:

Hi scott42, I know the one you mean, cos I used to teach it. :wink:

IIRC, the results are usually out 8-10 weeks after you took exam.

For those that need re-sits (not you, I hope) it’s perilously close to the cut-off point for enrolling for the next crack at it. I’d advise anybody needing a re-sit to book it quite quickly, or face an additional late registration fee or a frustrating 3-month wait. :frowning:

Good luck :smiley:

Cheers. The wait is killing me

It was the most challenging thing I have done since I passed my Class 1, possibly ever. The pass rates are so low and Drivers assume that as you used to drive, it’s a cakewalk.

Seven weeks and still nothing :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

This week possibly :laughing: :laughing:

RESULTS OUT NOW!! :laughing: :laughing:


:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

The phone call came at 3pm. The man from OCR, he said YES. First time pass, all 3 modules
:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Thanks for all the support

:smiley: :smiley:

I believe that is an ‘A’ level exam -


:grimacing: CONGRATULATIONS on passing your CPC National :smiley: :smiley:

I believe that is an ‘A’ level exam -


Me qualified to A level! what a turn up for the books, Grinning from ear to ear!


first of all congratulations on the pass mate, good on you.

second, what books did you read to get ready for the course? have you still got them and what you going to do with them? are you flogging them? if you are how much for matey? :wink: do i get trucknet discount if you are flogging them :wink:

i ask cos of this

Me qualified to A level!

I have just been informed that it is EQUIVALENT to an ‘A’ level exam - sort of means the same :wink:


first of all congratulations on the pass mate, good on you.

second, what books did you read to get ready for the course? have you still got them and what you going to do with them? are you flogging them? if you are how much for matey? :wink: do i get trucknet discount if you are flogging them :wink:

i ask cos of this

Hi Lee,
Although it might seem a good move just now, I’d caution you against that idea before you’ve checked whether the books will still be valid for the exam you’re taking. :wink:

:bulb: There is a natural ‘lag’ in the CPC exams catching up with newly passed legislation, so you’ll not know whether OCR has incuded something new between the last exam and the one you’ll take.
Just a thought from my memories of when I delivered CPC tuition. :grimacing:



first of all congratulations on the pass mate, good on you.

second, what books did you read to get ready for the course? have you still got them and what you going to do with them? are you flogging them? if you are how much for matey? :wink: do i get trucknet discount if you are flogging them :wink:

i ask cos of this

Hi Lee,
Although it might seem a good move just now, I’d caution you against that idea before you’ve checked whether the books will still be valid for the exam you’re taking. :wink:

:bulb: There is a natural ‘lag’ in the CPC exams catching up with newly passed legislation, so you’ll not know whether OCR has incuded something new between the last exam and the one you’ll take.
Just a thought from my memories of when I delivered CPC tuition. :grimacing:

but an overall idea is better then ■■■■■■■ clueless!

cheers for the tip mate

but an overall idea is better then [zb] clueless!

cheers for the tip mate

Hi Lee, Agreed mate, but it’s the Devil’s own job to ‘unlearn’ something.

I’d say it’s best for you to get the correct edition of the book you’ll use for the course and exam that you’re going to do.

There’s an awful lot of info coming your way quite soon on the course (trust me :wink: ) so I’d guess that you’d want to get it spot-on and without any distractions.

If you can find out for sure that a book currently available has exactly the right subject matter, then of course there’s no harm in reading-up in advance.

Good luck mate. :smiley:


Me qualified to A level!

I have just been informed that it is EQUIVALENT to an ‘A’ level exam - sort of means the same :wink:

I thought it was a level 3 NVQ which is supposed to be equal to an A Level :open_mouth:

Having seen the work my daughter did for her A levels and the work I did for my CPC I can assure you they are worlds apart ! :wink:


first of all congratulations on the pass mate, good on you.

second, what books did you read to get ready for the course? have you still got them and what you going to do with them? are you flogging them? if you are how much for matey? :wink: do i get trucknet discount if you are flogging them :wink:

i ask cos of this

Hi Giblsa, Thanks for your kind words.

The 4 things i used to study were:

  1. Current tacho law - free from Vosa
  2. Study notes from Mantra Learning - you will get to know these quite well but mine are now with a colleague who is sitting in September. You should get these a couple of weeks before the course when you enrol.
  3. past papers on the OCR website ocr.org.uk/qualifications/vo … ments.html The case study - the one you will be tested on - is available 3 or 4 weeks before the course starts from the same place.
  4. i bought the Friendbery case study mock questions and answers from here friendberry.co.uk/ , but to be honest, it was a waste of £30. They were hurriedly written, inaccurate and in one case, misleadingly wrong (in my humble opinion)

It would appear that from the 13 or so on my course, only 4 passed but although it is tough, I think that if you commit a couple of weeks to it 100% then it is achievable - but i passed, so i would say that!

Good luck

Denis F:


Me qualified to A level!

I have just been informed that it is EQUIVALENT to an ‘A’ level exam - sort of means the same :wink:

I thought it was a level 3 NVQ which is supposed to be equal to an A Level :open_mouth:

Having seen the work my daughter did for her A levels and the work I did for my CPC I can assure you they are worlds apart ! :wink:

Hi Denis,

It’s the method of assessment to gain the qualification that’s very different between “A” levels (usually academic,) NVQs (usually practical) and other equivalent qualifications. The assessment methods needed to be as different to each other as possible so as to include those practical type folks who might not do so well with formal academic exams.

It’s logical that a person who shines within academic subjects might not be quite as talented when it comes to doing a practical task, but does this necessarily mean that the person is less talented than somebody who is good with practical tasks? This apparent difference (and the lack of equality of opportunities that went with it) was noticed a few years ago, hence the ‘levelling’ of qualifications, which achieved a fair way of comparing the respective talents of ‘academic’ folks in comparison to ‘practical’ folks.

I’ll agree that there seems to be a world of difference between an “A” level and an NVQ 3, but I hope that’s explained above.
I’ve have the (mis?)fortune to be able to speak from the experience of an “A” level and both CPCs.
:open_mouth: Now for the kicker… I did that lot all together in the academic year 1997-8 at the tender age of 41. :open_mouth:

I got the impression that they were both quite tough to pass, but I’d say that the ‘levelling’ system does actually take care of the different styles of learning and assessment so as to make it fair for all people. :smiley:

Well done Scott.First time pass is well worth shouting about. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: