I’ve been reading through the various posts regarding the CPC, and seem to be getting more and more confused as I go.
I have a pre-97 licence with C1 on it already. So I only need to do modules 1&3 when I do my Cat C, theory, hazard perception & the actual driving test as I understand it.
I had thought about also doing some Periodic training, whilst I go through the C & C+E training. However, I just read on here that Periodic training hours only count once you’ve got the initial CPC - makes sense I suppose. However, if I was driving a C1 professionally, under my existing licence, I would still need the CPC, correct?
So in that case, does that mean that I already have a nominal CPC for C1? If so, and I now do some Periodic, would that only count against the C1 CPC, and not for any future C or C+E?
Sorry if you’re all sitting there asking yourselves what is this guy on, but I’m getting more confused the further I read!