I passed CAT C a few months ago and completed five days CPC and obtained DQC around June 2014 but when do I need to do next CPC course to keep it ?Currently I am not working in Logistics but I want to keep my options open for the future
I was told I need to do one day per year but not sure if it means one day before June 2015 or within the next year to September 2015
(9th September was the old cut off point)
Any advice would be appreciated also are any training providors doing courses on a Saturday?
1 day per year for next 5 years
Or 5 days in next 5 years
You will need to complete 35 hours before your current card expires.
35 hours at any point before the expiry of your current DVQ card. If you’re not driving you can let it expire and you will get it back as soon as you’ve completed the 35 hours. If considering more training (eg CE) you can often get some of the training time credited to your hours as well.
But the best way, theoretically, is to complete 1 day each year.
All the best, Pete
and obtained DQC around June 2014
So five days cpc to complete before june 2019.
On completing the 35 hours a further 5 years gets added to your current DQC expiry date no matter what date the last 7 hours was completed before that expiry date
Only dcpc hours done within 5 years of a DQC expiry date will count