CPC prices for 35 hour course

We must be lucky in the North East (if you can call it lucky doing DCPC :unamused: )

There are 2-3 companies that only charge £225 - £250 all in. The most expensive I have seen is £146 for one module, but that was down south

Hi TJ, Im on Durham?yorkshire border, Have you any more details of these firms. I spose Id better make an effort… :frowning:


The two companies are



The only downside - Both are in Sunderland :open_mouth:

You snooze your way through the courses wherever you do it.


Some yrs ago the company i worked for had to have at least half the drivers take there ADR , they paid for the course and we got a basic 8 hrs pay for attending it, plus we got i think it was about 5 pence an hour extra for any ADR job we did, dont think you could plan your retirement on that…im not takeing part in anymore training DCPC INCLUDED ! rip off tax end of. :angry:

I got told today by the agency girlie that my “smile miles” would have paid for my DCPC. Wtf? Never heard of a bloody smile mile! Apparently we get awarded them for each shift we do, not crashing, not murdering customers etc. turns out I have enough to pay for all mine :smiling_imp: . Too bloody late now though.

Transchem training Warrington charge £50 & vat per 7 hrs.
Think they have other locations too.

Sleep! Now I know the rules for doing these course, as in you have to attend, …

Hi weeto,

You’re spot-on so far. :wink:

and since its a non written course,

You’re nearly right here, but it’s a non-examined course, so you can be asked to do some paper exercises.
These add to the evidence that you attended, cos they’re dated and written in your handwriting, so they’re kept as extra proof that you were actually there.

is there anything in law to say you can’t fall asleep whilst you are attending these DCPC courses? Obviously you may want waking up for a coffee, light lunch!

That’s a good question, and the answer is that there’s nothing written in law, however… trainers have various methods for dealing with it. :wink:

I did my ADR packages/tankers and the DCPC with Friendberry, they are very good, and if you live a certain distance away you get money off.
They use a hotel in Wiviliscombe, nice coffee, and food avaible for lunch, or they use a village hall not far away.
If you staying all week they arrange the accomodation, and there numerous pubs and resturants in the area for an evening meal.
A lot of drivers went to the home made pie shop in the village.I would highly recomend them, good tutors and home study packs made simple for us drivers to understand.
In my opinion, get the boss to pay for the hotel or you pay it, as the last thing you want is to be commuting each day to venue,the traffic in Taunton is heavy at peak times, and you may arrive to the class late and stressed out.

I guess must be quite lucky all our CPc is done in house we do a module a year,in for my forth shortly. :smiley:

I did mine with EP Training in Bookham, Surrey in in 5 days straight.
Great training and we even got the MD, Ed doing a few days of teaching.
Practical input was very good and made the course more enjoyable.
Would recommend them straight away.

toby1234abc hope you got to try some Cotleighs & Exmoor Ale whilst in Wivey.
My parents used to live in the village 20 years ago, great place to live!

Boss is paying mine but I have to do it on my Saturday off(unpaid) not unreasonable I think and he’s paying £85 all in this is in Hampshire

my boss has accredited himself and is qualified apparently.
we give him a Saturday he gives us 7 hours of training. jobs a good’un :slight_smile:

Yes, Wivy is very pleasant, the locals are friendly too. :smiley:

That’s mine all done. £54 a day, five days. Bang tidy.

That’s mine all done. £54 a day, five days. Bang tidy.

You were robbed !..id rather give it to charity… :laughing:

I’ll be claiming it back anyway :wink:

I’ll be claiming it back anyway :wink:

Thats ok then, i wonder how many will ?.. :confused:

All who are self employed. As with all things forced upon us at our own cost though, the government should be helping out with the cost themselves.

All who are self employed. As with all things forced upon us at our own cost though, the government should be helping out with the cost themselves.

Im semi retired now, and this dcpc just topped it for me…im dead against it, its a tax nothing else, ive got grandfather rites upto next year then its over for me i wont pay it even if i could claim it back it doesnt change the way i feel about it like most older drivers that are near to retirement, but we just get fed this rubbish and everyone is supposed to benefit from it, and some are convinced there superior now they have there dcpc card, you cant buy knowledge and experience…but a lot think they can, good luck. :neutral_face:

I was recently given a business card by another driver recommending these people for a cheap dcpc course unit10drivertrainingcollege.co.uk/
I cannot comment on the content as I have not yet been on one of their courses but here is a reply to an email enquiry I made asking about prices.

"This E-mail is to confirm that our CPC courses current fees are £45, and this also includes uploading, so you don’t have to pay any extra.

Our next course is on the 21st & 28th of April 2013.

Please contact us on Nick 07860794999 or Pravin 07773200401 or Robin on 07768917572 if you require any futher information.

Kind Regards


It is the cheapest I have seen in the Leicester area.

im self employed and i jump on cources with a company that i do work for as they get a block booking discount there for i get it for the same price they pay for each driver my last course was £45 with a free bar lunch at their chosen training venue.

I was recently given a business card by another driver recommending these people for a cheap dcpc course unit10drivertrainingcollege.co.uk/
I cannot comment on the content as I have not yet been on one of their courses but here is a reply to an email enquiry I made asking about prices.

"This E-mail is to confirm that our CPC courses current fees are £45, and this also includes uploading, so you don’t have to pay any extra.

Our next course is on the 21st & 28th of April 2013.

Please contact us on Nick 07860794999 or Pravin 07773200401 or Robin on 07768917572 if you require any futher information.

Kind Regards


It is the cheapest I have seen in the Leicester area.

jaupt.org.uk/centre?id=5cd14 … 155d010c02