CPC? plz explain

Hi there.
I am writing to ask for help.
I am writing to see if anyone knows what the CPC is?
When it is being brought in and how much extra it will cost on top of test.
thanks for your help

I am sure that i will pass my test next time.

Hi there.
I am writing to ask for help.
I am writing to see if anyone knows what the CPC is?
When it is being brought in and how much extra it will cost on top of test.
thanks for your help

I am sure that i will pass my test next time.

use the search facility at the top of this page and put in DRIVER CPC - you will get lots to read :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Hi there.
I am writing to ask for help.
I am writing to see if anyone knows what the CPC is?
When it is being brought in and how much extra it will cost on top of test.
thanks for your help

I am sure that i will pass my test next time.

When do you plan to take your next (and final! - unless you plan doing your CE!!) test?

Hi there.
I am writing to ask for help.
I am writing to see if anyone knows what the CPC is?
When it is being brought in and how much extra it will cost on top of test.
thanks for your help

I am sure that i will pass my test next time.

The Driver CPC is a new qualification that starts for goods vehicle drivers on 10 September 2009, if you hold a LGV license on that date you won’t have to do the initial Driver CPC.
Apart from the Initial Driver CPC that new drivers will need to take from September 2009, there’s also a Driver CPC Periodic Training, for this every driver of large vehicles will have to do 35 hours of training every 5 years, the 35 hours of training can be done in segments of 7 hours so it would be five 7 hour training sessions.

If you plan to have an LGV license by September 2009 you don’t need to worry about the Driver CPC for some time, however the Driver CPC for passenger vehicles comes into force in September 2008 (this year), so if it’s a psv license you’re after best get cracking.

Just realised that it’s the goods vehicle license that you’re after so you’ve got until September next year, after that I’m afraid you would have to do the Driver CPC as well as the LGV test, but it’s probably best not to leave it to the last minute if you can avoid it.

I can’t give you any information on costs yet.

Good luck mutha-trucker, I hope everything works out for you :wink:

Hi all I took my cpc (nat) back in 87, do I have to take the re training every 5 years or never do it again…? I’ve had class 1 since then aswell.
Cheers all

I’ve got to save up for my test as its a lot of money just for 1 days training and a test.
hopefully before they bring in the cpc extra test.
thanks for your help.

Hi all I took my cpc (nat) back in 87, do I have to take the re training every 5 years or never do it again…?

Different CPC, this is the Driver’s CPC and has no connection to the CPC required to hold an O Licence or be the nominated CPC holder for a business. Yes you will need to do 35 hours of training in each 5 year period.

Just being nosey,

But does anyone know the additional cost this would bring to a learner ?
Is it for all new hgv tests in the E.U. or just us Brits again ?

Just being nosey,

But does anyone know the additional cost this would bring to a learner ?

Is it for all new hgv tests in the E.U. or just us Brits again ?

  1. I’ve no idea about the cost, in fact I’m not sure if it’s been decided yet.

  2. The Driver CPC is a regulations that’s been brought in by the European Parliament, so it will be brought in by all EU country’s eventually.

Thanks for the reply tachograph

Glad its being implimented through all of the E.U.

Thanks for the reply tachograph

Glad its being implimented through all of the E.U.

YEH - RIGHT :exclamation: :exclamation: :unamused: :unamused:


Thanks for the reply tachograph

Glad its being implimented through all of the E.U.

YEH - RIGHT :exclamation: :exclamation: :unamused: :unamused:


You don’t think the Driver CPC is being implemented throughout the EU ?



Thanks for the reply tachograph

Glad its being implimented through all of the E.U.

YEH - RIGHT :exclamation: :exclamation: :unamused: :unamused:


You don’t think the Driver CPC is being implemented throughout the EU ?

I’ll put money on the fact that although it is supposed to be, a lot wil either not do it or get around it somehow or failing that, they will just issue the ‘attendance’ without the driver attending :unamused: :unamused:
The UK will probably in one of the minority who acually implement & enforce it.




Thanks for the reply tachograph

Glad its being implimented through all of the E.U.

YEH - RIGHT :exclamation: :exclamation: :unamused: :unamused:


You don’t think the Driver CPC is being implemented throughout the EU ?

I’ll put money on the fact that although it is supposed to be, a lot wil either not do it or get around it somehow or failing that, they will just issue the ‘attendance’ without the driver attending :unamused: :unamused:
The UK will probably in one of the minority who acually implement & enforce it.

I agree, it will be the same as the WTD, no one really bothers with that anywhere else in Europe. Although to be fair most in the UK don’t pay it much heed.

The Driver CPC should be easier to enforce than the WTD, don’t know about the Driver CPC not being implemented at all in some EU county’s, but I agree that it’s likely to be more stringently implemented by some country’s than others.


Thanks for the reply tachograph

Glad its being implimented through all of the E.U.

YEH - RIGHT :exclamation: :exclamation: :unamused: :unamused:

Here’s a man who has something of an idea of how the EU works!

This is how it roughly goes.

Ideas - dreamt up by the French
Regulations - written by the Germans
Enforced - by the British
Ignored and laughed at - by the Italians



Thanks for the reply tachograph

Glad its being implimented through all of the E.U.

YEH - RIGHT :exclamation: :exclamation: :unamused: :unamused:

Here’s a man who has something of an idea of how the EU works!

This is how it roughly goes.

Ideas - dreamt up by the French
Regulations - written by the Germans
Enforced - by the British
Ignored and laughed at - by the Italians

:unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

The driver’s CPC is being introduced to implement EU directive 2003/59 and will come into force in all member states on the 10th September 2008 for bus and coach drivers and 10th September 2009 for LGV drivers.

It will be down to individual training providers to set their own prices (as they currently do for all the other training courses they provide).

Here’s a man who has something of an idea of how the EU works!

This is how it roughly goes.

Ideas - dreamt up by the French
Regulations - written by the Germans
Enforced - by the British
Ignored and laughed at - by the Italians

PMSL Super Lez.:grimacing:

There’s many a true word spoken in jest. :wink:

The driver’s CPC is being introduced to implement EU directive 2003/59 and will come into force in all member states

Doesn’t mean the other member states will pay a blind bit of notice though. they didn’t bother with the WTD, and that is supposed to apply in all member states, so I don’t think this will be much different.