CPC Module 4

Hi guys and gals, I passed my CPC module 2 today and am about to book the module 4. Can anyone tell me what this entails. Does it involve any driving?


It’s the easiest thing you will ever do. Look on youtube. Will show you everything you need to know.


It’s the easiest thing you will ever do. Look on youtube. Will show you everything you need to know.

Its a piece of ■■■■ you might even fall asleep on it



It’s the easiest thing you will ever do. Look on youtube. Will show you everything you need to know.

Its a piece of ■■■■ you might even fall asleep on it

Haha good to know

The training company I did it with give me a hand out with all the possible questions and all the correct answers to give the examiner, went through it all with me then said take it away and learn all that. Came for the test and it was literally case of giving the examiner the answers I’d learned from the hand out. Easy. Other than that you will show you can use either a ratchet strap, chains, or a bar at the back of a fridge trailer. Which again your trainer will show you how to use all 3 and you’ll do one on test. Examiner will ask what would you use to secure sheets of steel for example, which you’d say chains, then the examiner will say show me how you’d use the chains then. Or show me how you’d secure wheeled cages in a box trailer, to which you’d say I’ll use a bar at the back, and you’d show him, etc etc etc.

Dead easy, nothing to worry about. When asked about securing loads never volunteer roping or you get stuck doing dolly knots