Hi, module 4 coming up and if I pass I would be over the moon,but as like all tests im getting butterflies and am worried im gonna fail. Is there anyone who completed this test who can tell me its nothing to worry about. Thanks.
Assuming you’re properly trained, there really is nothing to worry about. A couple of pointers which may help: there are 5 questions during the test. You can return to any question with further information/demonstration and get the credit for it. The final question refers to pre-use checks. Your trainer should give you a checklist with the 10 items that must be checked. It’s absolutely ok to use this checklist during the test. We actually have them printed on small cards - - and still folks leave them in their pocket!!
The test is demonstration rather than talk. Get down and dirty, be thorough and you’ll be fine.
Thanks Pete. Feel better now
Hi, passed my mod 4 last week, if you haven`t already watch this on youtube a few times it will really help you. passed mine with 100% youtube.com/watch?v=wK–gVI-WHI
More points that may help: examiners will do their best to “lead” you down the right path. They’ll make it clear if you haven’t done everything you need to and give you the chance to make it up with more.
It’s the only test that examiners conduct that has a positive marking system. So they have an overlay template which tells them which answers/demonstrations are acceptable for each question. Get the demo correct and you get the tick. Don’t and you won’t. This also means that, especially with the final question, you’re totally wasting your time checking stuff that isn’t on the list. They have no capacity to give you a tick for checking items that aren’t on the list. So eg you could check oil, water etc and get nothing. They’re not on the list.
Appreciated thanks for valuable info.