Cpc module 2

Hi guys new iv passed my theory I now need to do my cpc module 2. Iv seen online there’s a website called theory 4 all where I can buy case study’s for 60 days at the cost of £18. Has anyone used this before and if so is it any good

Hi guys new iv passed my theory I now need to do my cpc module 2. Iv seen online there’s a website called theory 4 all where I can buy case study’s for 60 days at the cost of £18. Has anyone used this before and if so is it any good

Loads have and yes it is

There are also loads who never specifically revise for mod 2 because if you have got the theory book as well as the driving goods vehicles book along with common sense then its relatively easy to pass

Hi ROG thanks for that. I have the cpc book but thought this one online would help me with the answers etc

Hi ROG thanks for that. I have the cpc book but thought this one online would help me with the answers etc

It will help as it had done for many others but is not absolutely necessary

Ok thank you ROG. think I’ll stick to the books and go from there :smiley:

I just got through it with the same knowledge I had from theory. As long as you can read and count to 5 you’ll be fine.

I used driving theory 4 all for both mod 1 and 2. I can recommend it as although a lot of it is similar to your theory test there are some bits you wouldn`t have learned in mod1 which could catch you out. There mock case studies are pretty close to the real test. Worth the 18 quid just to have that bit of extra confidence going into the test.