Cpc manager

Anybody else sit the transport exams in March? :open_mouth:
Well it was so easy. :smiley:
Did anyone else do a course and find a lot of the training a waste of time?

Anybody else sit the transport exams in March? :open_mouth:
Well it was so easy. :smiley:
Did anyone else do a course and find a lot of the training a waste of time?

What’s easy for you might not be easy for others chap! I did it a year ago and found it tough going to start with. Luckily it all fell into place on exam day and I passed both parts first time. Certainly didn’t think it was easy though!


I found the national one easy enough, I failed the euro one recently 15 years later twice then gave up. The most mind numbingly boring load of clap trap I’ve ever had to read, I found the national interesting enough though.

Maybe I’m just getting thicker as I get older.

Yeah I was been sarcastic.

I think the way it was taught was brutal.

To me the best way to teach it is run through the full manual on week one covering the modules you don’t need and are not in the written exams quickly. Give the student hand out and course multi choice to revise in your own time. To prepare for multi in your own time.
Week 2, go over the core subjects for part 2 in depth. Also learning where stuff in the manual is. Covering the core subjects. Driver hours, money, Licensing.

I just found the course a mix n mash to be honest.
It’s not the instructors it is the time table.

Its suppose to be a 30% pass rate.
If that was military instructors teaching military ways it would be nearly 100% pass rate.
I done a lot more intense courses and went on courses totally blind.
But the courses were taught properly with the students passing being the priority.

Surely the students passing is a major priority of ANY training courseâ– â– ?

The problem with the current International Manager CPC qual. is the amount of information that may be examined upon - so it all needs to be covered on a study course to some extent.

Another problem is the ‘mixed’ abilities of the delegates - there are no entry restrictions or requirements to access the course - providing you have the pennies!! Therefore the pass rates are affected by some people who are out of their depth & also those that choose the home study/self-study option - which of course is very a very difficult (but cheaper) way of preparing for the exams.

It wouldn’t be beneficial to downscale the difficulty of the exams though as the successful candidates have put a lot of hard work into their studies and then their reward for this success allows them to be a CPC holder on an O licence - something that should neither be taken lightly or casually!!!

They know what questions they are going ask in the multi choice.
I would say about 95 % of the questions were in the student handbooks and mock exams.
They know what questions there going ask, you can’t take that much information without learning it parrot fashion. So you are learning the questions and answers not the information.

I know it sounds daft but with the written exam the information is there in front of you.
I think the exam should be more a reference exam like the dangerous goods advisors.
Also a actual manual for transport managers.