cpc holder

but I have to say that there are some (only a few) genuine new-start firms with a good business plan, whose only fault was that they just didn’t realise what’s involved in terms of the time taken to legally get off the ground.

Obviously not a well thought out business plan then, when 99.9% of people within the haulage industry know that a CPC is a basic requirement for an O licence

All my customers say I should leave the world of Haulage and go into the ■■■■■■■■■ industry :unamused:

Who am i to argue with that? You go girl !!!

Obviously not a well thought out business plan then, when 99.9% of people within the haulage industry know that a CPC is a basic requirement for an O licence

Maybe I didn’t word that quite right… :blush:
The point was that they weren’t “within” the industry, so they had no idea of what it takes to enter the industry. :smiley:
Sorry for any confusion. :confused:



TruckNet Companions R us

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Oh no, you’re included to. I hope you come and say…‘not here can you move along please’ !!!

I usually say can I watch and then people move along all by themselves :blush: :laughing:

doesnt this bring you back to the bolton west thread. :imp: :imp: :angry: :angry: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: