CPC Course.

I thought I’d ask this question in this forum as I believe as OD’s you have the most experience to answer this -

I’m considering doing my National CPC and I was wondering have the majority of you done a course prior to the exams or just studied from available workbooks and done the exam of your own back.

I’m reasonably academic and fancy possibly saving a few dollars by teaching myself if its achievable.

If this is a daft idea please say so as I just want an educated opinion before I do something stupid.

By the way - I have no ambition to pull for Maritime, Tarmac etc, I just want the qualification for “What if” situations that may arise in the future.

Cheers in advance.

Hi kjw 21
Be very careful who you get the home study info from!
Some companies say they can provide, while some people in the know can provide
Wish i,d now done the course.

Do a search on here for David Lowe. If you are as academic as you say, it is a solid mass of detoxified ammonia :stuck_out_tongue:

You will still have to book your exam with one of the colleges who run the OCR course but it may be easier than a fixed study period

Hi i did cpc homestudy through Hargreaves training in Leeds then did the exams in one day at Rothwell.

I’m considering doing my National CPC and I was wondering have the majority of you done a course prior to the exams or just studied from available workbooks and done the exam of your own back.

I’m reasonably academic and fancy possibly saving a few dollars by teaching myself if its achievable.

If this is a daft idea please say so as I just want an educated opinion before I do something stupid.

Hi kjw21, You’re coming from an interesting standpoint, but I’d say that it’s very much an ‘individual’ thing, because what works for one person might not work for another… :wink:

Given that you’re “reasonably academic,” then I’d say that self teaching IS possible. However, IMHO you must first ask a question of yourself; it is this: ‘am I a level 3 candidate?’ The operator CPC has been set as a level 3 course, hence my suggested question. (Level 3 = “A” level.)

I don’t think it’s a daft idea at all, but in all honesty I can’t offer you an opinion either way.
IMHO, BRICKBLOCKMICK and Wheel Nut have given you sound advice.

I’d add that the quality of home-study CPC material is very variable indeed and advise that you should adopt a cautious approach to this option.
If you opt for a classroom-based course, you’ll very probably use ‘EOS’ student notes AND have a live interactive tutor to answer your questions as they arise. The other advantage of the classroom course is that the tutor will probably also use the EOS PowerPoint presentation that fits with the EOS student notes.
Some CPC tutors still read verbatim from a set of student notes rather like a newsreader. (Not my style :wink: )
My theory is that the provider is simply too tight to buy the EOS presentation, but each to their own. :sunglasses:

To help you decide, I’ve had a trawl through previous comments on CPC ‘stuff’ and here are some links to the posts and comments by other members in the same situation.

:arrow_right: LINK # 1
:arrow_right: LINK # 2 (2 PAGES.)
:arrow_right: LINK # 3

I’d also suggest that you visit the ‘sticky’ at the top of the O/D’s forum, which contains links to the OCR website.
When you visit the ‘sticky,’ please follow the link to ‘Nat CPC.’

If you do all of the above, and are still awake, you should be somewhere near able to come to the decision you seek. :grimacing:

No matter which option you choose, you’ll need to sit 3 exams to gain your certificate. To do that, you’ll need to attend an OCR approved exam center, which is usually one of a training provider’s classrooms. So why not take advantage of the ‘CPC taster day’ that some providers offer :question: That way, you’ll get a feel of what’s required and have the opportunity to ask some questions. If you then opt to study at home, you could ask the provider whether they’d be prepared to sell you a set of EOS student notes. Some will. :wink:

I hope this helps. :smiley:

Cheers for all your replies - very much appreciated.

I’ll have a look at the above options and see whats the best option.



Get a set of study notes from a place called EOS training.com (tried to put in a link, but cant}.
Many home study course providers use these notes, as do attended courses.
Couple this with - THIS BOOK - as mentioned, and you wont go far wrong.

Cheers Kate, I’ll look into it.