Covid rules benefiting drivers

Ok we all know the restrictive Covid rules that are preventing us leading a normal life, some necessary some totally ■■■■ ridiculous and pointless, and whether you agree with them or not is another argument for another day.
But…from a truck drivers pov are there any compulsory Covid related, work related rules for employers, that actually benefit US as drivers, that go to safeguard us from catching it…what is their official and legal ‘Duty of care’ in all this.?
(It’s a rhetorical question btw, I know it is similar to the H&S situation and rules, that very rarely apply to us when it is actually benefiting us realistically…and that in reality it’s arse covering rather than concern,.and most rules only apply when it suits ‘Them’ and suddenlly they become flexible and open to interpretation when it doesn’t. :imp: )

The thing that springs to mind are the use of trucks by different drivers, is there not, (or should there not be).a set procedure for trucks to be at the very least basically sanitized after a driver.hands it over to the next one for his shift?

Also from a trampers pov, is he not more at risk having to actually live in a truck that has been used by every Tom ■■■■ and Harry after coming back off his holidays…you see what I’m getting at here and how it affects me personally. :smiley:

No tramper likes his truck being used when they are off as it is their home, but most of us are realistic and grown up enough to fully understand why it is being used and that it is necessary.
(Unless you work for a co that values and respects it’s drivers, to the point of parking trampers motors up, as I once did)
I ain’t bothered about coming back and having to clean up a bit of mess (although we shouldn’t have to if some dirty 2 hats had any manners or upbringing :smiling_imp: )
Smoking is the thing that tips me over the edge, (see above in brackets :smiling_imp: ) but leaving a driver open to catching a potentially life threatening condition (again whether you believe that or not is irrelavent) is a step too far, out of order, and should be addressed by law in this case…can any.driver possibly disagree on that ? :open_mouth:

Ok bring on both the usual heroes and/or those who will put up with any old ■■■■ thing they are dealt, with the '‘It doesn’t really bother me’, well perhaps it should ! :unamused:

At my place since the start of the pandemic to the best of the TO ability we prevent people “Lorry swapping” Most of ours are double crewed so if 1 of them is off unfortunately we have no choice but to have them in the yard doing "sht jobs*
Most of them are quite accepting of this because they still get paid for a days work…when actually its a pretty bukshe day in the yard cleaning the trucks.

Obviously some moan saying they are driver not car wash attendants etc…but rough with the smooth…only trying to keep them safe.

If i vehicle is going to be used by someone else, it is fogged on an evening with disinfectant and left till the morning ready for a new crew

‘Fogged with disinfectant’ ?..
You know those Air Freshner ‘bombs’ you can buy from Halfords,.where you start the engine, put the air con on, and chuck it in like a grenade?
Is there a disinfecting/sanitizing version of that on the market?
That would sort the job out I reckon…and the firm should pay or supply them too, NOT the driver.

Yes there is a version like that, what we have isn’t a grenade you chuck in as such, it has a tank and a Nozzel which vaporises a disinfectant solution which you spray around the cab, We then leave for 2 hours minimum before we issue the keys out to drive it.
We have a designated bloke who gets suited up (full PPE) and is tasked with fogging the fleet.

Also if a driver calls in with a positive test/has begun isolating…the crew member he has been with has been told to isolate and that vehicle is the quarantined until fogged.

Rob must be getting cabin fever already, especially if the pubs are out of bounds.

A valid point was made on tv earlier about sanitising public spaces, aka the way they do it in china etc by fogging or spraying, and I suppose it’s much the same with cleansing vehicles and cabs. Which is as soon as you cleanse a public space or workspace it’s only clean until the next person comes along and comes into contact with it, which may only be seconds afterwards. So it’s more effective for the person to clean and wash their hands etc to break the contamination cycle.
We are given disinfectant wipes and nitrile gloves which I use to wipe down the contact surfaces ie: steering wheel, seat, indicator stalks, switches, tacho head etc. I’ve wondered with all the moisture in the wet wipes what effect they have on the electrical switches and wiring.
Because the trucks are used by everyone I wear nitrile gloves all shift, only taking them off to eat, they also remind me to not scratch or rub my face, mouth, nose etc. My rigger gloves when used for handball, swopping trailers are worn over the nitrile gloves.

I can only say that i work for company with 24/7 operation with 200plus vehicles, some days 3different drivers using the truck. I clean touching points with antibac floor wipes.
Do not know about single driver having problem with Covid…

‘Fogged with disinfectant’ ?..
You know those Air Freshner ‘bombs’ you can buy from Halfords,.where you start the engine, put the air con on, and chuck it in like a grenade?
Is there a disinfecting/sanitizing version of that on the market?
That would sort the job out I reckon…and the firm should pay or supply them too, NOT the driver.

Yup, I get them free from work. They’re about £6 to buy from any major car parts place

They work better the right way up though. :blush:

I clean touching points with antibac floor wipes…

That’s pointless as Covid is a virus not a bacteria

If you’re that worried about catching Covid stay at home.

The funniest part is you bleat on about that but i suspect that when you go into the petrol station shop or the supermarket or whatever other shop you’re not there with the wipes cleaning everything you pick up which could have been handled by a hell of a lot more people than the bits of the truck you touch.


I clean touching points with antibac floor wipes…

That’s pointless as Covid is a virus not a bacteria

Another Trucknet expert strikes again. :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

It is not pointless as disposable cleaning wipes have a germ-killing solution on them. “They’re designed to kill viruses and bacteria on hard surfaces like doorknobs, counters and TV remotes,” says Dr. McWilliams. They don’t work on soft surfaces like clothing or upholstery.

The germ-killing ingredient on disinfecting wipes is a chemical pesticide, so you shouldn’t use them on your skin.

Health Essentials

If you’re that worried about catching Covid stay at home.

The funniest part is you bleat on about that but i suspect that when you go into the petrol station shop or the supermarket or whatever other shop you’re not there with the wipes cleaning everything you pick up which could have been handled by a hell of a lot more people than the bits of the truck you touch.

Conor mate have a day off ffs man . :unamused:

You’re the Trucknet equivalent of Father Jack, or a grumpy old Uncle who nobody likes or wants to invite at Christmas, , but the poor branch of the family who gets lumbered with him, sticks hiim in a corner out of the way, ignoring him, while he sits there belching and ■■■■■■■ and doing his best to be downright ■■■■ awkward and belligerent to everybody else . :unamused:

When the plague restrictions are over book yourself into a charm school, it’ll be money well spent :bulb:

Btw I also suspect things about you, you come on here all giving it large with pseudo bravado, but I bet Iin real life if you met anyone of us that you have a pop at behind your keyboard, you would not say boo to a goose. :unamused:

The point of my post was neither ‘bleating on’ nor worried about catching Covid, I was putting across that the firms who on the face of things are soooo safety concious, but in reality when it comes t real issues, they show their true colours…especially when it comes to spending money.

I would have thought a man who tells us ( at every ■■■■ opportunity :unamused: ) how intelligent he is would have picked up on that, but a usual you’re to ■■■■ quick to jump instead.
Wind yer neck in man ffs. :unamused:
Merry Christmas.


I clean touching points with antibac floor wipes…

That’s pointless as Covid is a virus not a bacteria

Only mentioned what i and maybe most drivers are doing, was doing the same pre covid as we know previous driver could have fingers in his arse…
Can company i work for spend more in this matter? Yes, but if I am still alive after year of Covid I am fine with it…

God Rob stop being such a fairy :laughing:

I think he’s turning into one of them snowflake drivers :smiley:
Get yourself a tin of that fancy air freshener if your that worried that’s sure to save you
Merry xmas :smiley:

Quite a few places I have been to are aiming a thermometer at my forehead and getting me to fill in a questionnaire. One guy kindly ticked NO for me to the relevant questions before handing it to me. One place had this bizarre contraption with a screen that both checked my temperature and apparently detected that I was in fact wearing a mask. Bizarre! To be fair there is hand gel absolutely everywhere. One place had a door handle that oozed out hand gel onto my hand as I opened the door.

Got to admit that despite the measures in place including strict screening, you go inside some places and people are not wearing masks. One driver was told to ■■■■■■■ take his mask off at one place when he couldn’t be heard properly. No wonder he couldn’t be heard with the perspex in the way.

I think he’s turning into one of them snowflake drivers :smiley:
Get yourself a tin of that fancy air freshener if your that worried that’s sure to save you
Merry xmas :smiley:

It’s Franglais and all his Covid posts, and then him telling us we’re all doomed when Brexit comes around. :open_mouth: …I’m at my wits end man, I’m terrified. :neutral_face:

If you’re that worried about catching Covid stay at home.

The funniest part is you bleat on about that but i suspect that when you go into the petrol station shop or the supermarket or whatever other shop you’re not there with the wipes cleaning everything you pick up which could have been handled by a hell of a lot more people than the bits of the truck you touch.

What a pathetic comment, I could almost put my mortgage on you being one the morons who does what ever you like and has paid no attention to the rules/guidance throughout this pandemic, doing there bare minimum you have to just to avoid getting a fine.

How are people suppose to just stay at home, People don’t have that luxury. I’m worried about catching it, not for my own sake it would probably be slightly worse than the common cold for me, but for the sake of vulnerable people i have around me who it would more than likely kill if they got it. Do i have the luxury of staying at home? No, I have bills to pay and a family to provide for, do i take EVERY possible action to avoid catching it…YES…and so what, when the risk of loosing someone you care about is that high you would to. Or maybe its that you don’t have anyone that cares about you which has caused you to be this way?


If you’re that worried about catching Covid stay at home.

The funniest part is you bleat on about that but i suspect that when you go into the petrol station shop or the supermarket or whatever other shop you’re not there with the wipes cleaning everything you pick up which could have been handled by a hell of a lot more people than the bits of the truck you touch.

What a pathetic comment, I could almost put my mortgage on you being one the morons who does what ever you like and has paid no attention to the rules/guidance throughout this pandemic, doing there bare minimum you have to just to avoid getting a fine.

I also bet he’s one of those morons who is happy to be abusive and insult people on here as he does behind the annoyomity of his keyboard. Wonder if he’s as upfront in the same manner in real life face to face situations … I suspect not.

Benefits , laughing a lot , turned up at my girls to drop her presents off , opened door in a a gown , full mask , marrygold gloves & a antiseptic spray in hand ,I was only dropping her presents in porch & using the adjoining toilet , didn’t know whether to laugh or cry
To be fair she is doing it for my Benefit as I’m apparently more at risk from covid , but I did have a smile on way home