Covid-19 Peter Smythe Transport

Background -

I booked my medical at Pete Smythe Training a few weeks ago. First thing that greeted me was a sign at the front door telling me to use the hand gel before entering building. A clean table was set up with hand gel and very firm (but polite) notice telling you again to use it before entering.

At the time, this was just something you saw on the news affecting China and some other foreign places. Definitely nothing to do with us in the North West of England.

This was weeks before Italy or Spain went full Mad Max and shut their country’s down. We weren’t even killing each other for a toilet roll at the time!

This was the first business I used that provided hand gel and enforced it’s use before entering.

It’s just a tiny detail, but show’s the thought process behind the company I’m going to give a few thousand quid to.

Hats off to you, Pete.

Looking forward to driving one of them shiny trucks in the yard!

Thanks for the positive feedback. As a company, we always try and stay ahead. And I’m the same personally. Our measures also include the use of antibac wipes for the controls of each vehicle at the end of a training session. We’ve even moved some of the furniture eg the signing in book is no longer on the reception desk but is on another desk a few feet away. This measure, alone, stops 50 people a day breathing on our receptionist - Rosina.

We are trying desperately to stay ahead of the game but there is no question that this is going to become challenging on a daily basis very soon.

But, after spending all day on disaster planning, it’s so good to read this post.

Thankyou. Pete :laughing: :laughing:

Peter Smythe:
Thanks for the positive feedback. As a company, we always try and stay ahead. And I’m the same personally. Our measures also include the use of antibac wipes for the controls of each vehicle at the end of a training session. We’ve even moved some of the furniture eg the signing in book is no longer on the reception desk but is on another desk a few feet away. This measure, alone, stops 50 people a day breathing on our receptionist - Rosina.

We are trying desperately to stay ahead of the game but there is no question that this is going to become challenging on a daily basis very soon.

But, after spending all day on disaster planning, it’s so good to read this post.

Thankyou. Pete :laughing: :laughing:

My wife is a theatre sister. She is obviously aware of the current threat. I casually mentioned you had hand gel out weeks ago and were being pretty firm about enforcement.

Her words - “if more businesses (and her own hospital!) Had done the same, we wouldn’t be where we are now”…

“You’re booking your training with him aren’t you?”


“Good” smileyface

She said you’d be thrashing around under the surface working day and night to get a plan in place.

She’s seriously impressed your plan was put in place so soon.

Let’s hope I can find an employer that thinks the same.