Couple of Newbie Questions

Despite everyones advice I left my previous job, signed on with a few agencies despite no previous driving experience and being told I may have to start in vans…luckily I got a few easy 17.5 tonne jobs and things are beginning to pick up nicely however I recently had a rental truck with digital tacho, everything ran smoothly till I returned the truck and discovered it wouldn’t print out my days duties, I reported this to the office but no-one seemed concerned or in any way obligated to do anything!

My questions are, are they required to fix this immediately? what happens if I get stopped on the road and asked for a print out only to discover it doesn’t work, am i responsible for this?

hello mate

Well i have only had digi tacho a couple of times but as far as i am concerned if the tacho is faulty in ANY way it is the responsibility of the rental company to sort it out for you also all your records are still held on you card so you should be able to obtain a printout from your agency / employer who should have the software to download it and print it out for info on digi tacho have a look on the DVLA sight or VOSA if not they will be able to point you in the right direction to do a course for it (i’m still trying to do one) Good luck.

The printouts get thrown away by employers after they have been checked.,they are not stored like anologue charts.
All the information is stored on your card,but the card will only store upto 30 days work or thereabouts,so you need to get it downloaded by your employers before this.every week is best
Should you get stopped by vosa /police they have their own cards they can put into your tachograph and also a reader so they can check you digitach to make sure everything is ok with your hours etc
hope this helps :wink:

thanks guys, used a digi tacho a couple more times since then, no real problems at all…as for downloading the info off my card, spoke to the agency and they don’t even have that equipment!!

the best news I got was after just 4 jobs on class 2 I got a call to go on 2 nights Class 1 work and loved it :smiley: the challenge and feeling of accomplishment is so much greater…unfortunately this week I’m back on Class 2 :frowning: