Our lot have finally got round to letting us know where we stand with this training. They’ll pay but we work for free! Our first session is this Saturday as Tachodisc in Warrington. Anyway onto the question. I have granfather rights as do all our drivers. What I’d like to know is just which modules we will be doing? Do we have to do, One to Four? I’ve read through a few of the posts on here most of which are helpful but, I have a simple brain or I’d a have a well paid job If we do have to do the first four, there’s a few of our lads have issues with computers and tests, and there’s a far better than even chance they’ll fail these many times.
Big Chris:
Our lot have finally got round to letting us know where we stand with this training. They’ll pay but we work for free! Our first session is this Saturday as Tachodisc in Warrington. Anyway onto the question. I have granfather rights as do all our drivers. What I’d like to know is just which modules we will be doing? Do we have to do, One to Four? I’ve read through a few of the posts on here most of which are helpful but, I have a simple brain or I’d a have a well paid jobIf we do have to do the first four, there’s a few of our lads have issues with computers and tests, and there’s a far better than even chance they’ll fail these many times.
There are no specific modules for the Driver CPC periodic training, some companies may have different modules that they’ve created for their own training courses though, so as they’re paying it’s up-to your employer what courses you do.
Sorry if I’ve misunderstood your post
No that’s cool Tachodisc. Our lot aint got the brains to read a map let alone devise a plan of modules for us. I just thought there was a set order or something, maybe this is why the info about is so vague if there isn’t one.
There’s no legal order of courses, in fact you could take the same course 5 times if you wanted
But whether or not Tachodisc run their courses in any particular order I wouldn’t know
Big Chris:
What I’d like to know is just which modules we will be doing? Do we have to do, One to Four?
Hi Big Chris,
I think it’s possible that somebody might have got the wrong idea.
Modules 1-4 are specific modules for complete newbies taking their LGV C or C1 licence, and are known as initial DCPC.
From my reading of your post, I think that you might need periodic DCPC, which is simply 35hrs attendance that can be split into blocks of no less than 7hrs.
I have come across this a few times
Quite a few dcpc training places only have 5 different 7 hour courses and advertise them as a set of modules to gain the required 35 hours to make the punters think that they need to do that set of courses to gain it
Its a clever advertising ploy to try and make a punter think that way
As you will not be getting paid to do those saturday courses then its not classed as other work for the EU regs but if being told you must attend them by the company then I think that is other work but stand to be corrected
Thanks Rog, that’s something I didn’t know at all. We’ve been asking for years where we stand with this but, our lot tell us nothing, absolutely nothing! About a month ago we got a memo telling us they had arranged this course and as they are paying for the course they thought it only fair that we had to attend for for no renumeration. If they’d got their finger out and gave a decision years ago we’d have arranged our own as we’d had an offer of the course for free from a contact of one of our other drivers. We held off as we were told a decision was imminent from head office and here we are as usual looking down the barrel of a gun… We’ve had no hints or clues as to what this current course will contain as to requirements or content other than we need to take licence and counterpart so, I was just asking to see if any of you guys had been there, done that, type of thing.
I did read somewhere in my searching that the CPC course is classed as other work as lots of Drivers who’d been on them had been issued with tachodiscs to fill in on arrival to be submitted to their place of work in due course with the normal tacho submission. I’ll find out for sure when I attend I suppose.
Big Chris:
I did read somewhere in my searching that the CPC course is classed as other work as lots of Drivers who’d been on them had been issued with tachodiscs to fill in on arrival to be submitted to their place of work in due course with the normal tacho submission. I’ll find out for sure when I attend I suppose.
Vosa have clarified the issue truckingtopics.co.uk/vosaclarifiesdri.html
Is DCPC training ‘other work’?
VOSA has also clarified the question of whether or not drivers undergoing Driver CPC training need to record the activity as ‘other work’ for hours law purposes: “When a driver is being paid for attending Driver CPC training they will record the time as other work for drivers hours purposes and where the driver is not paid and is voluntarily attending the training then this will be treated as part of the driver’s rest period.”
It should be noted that the advice from VOSA makes it plain that the question of who is paying for the training is irrelevant: the distinction is whether or not the driver is being paid a wage to attend and whether his employer has ordered him to attend. If the answer to either question is yes, then the training should be recorded as ‘other work’
Big Chris:
Thanks Rog, that’s something I didn’t know at all. We’ve been asking for years where we stand with this but, our lot tell us nothing, absolutely nothing! About a month ago we got a memo telling us they had arranged this course and as they are paying for the course they thought it only fair that we had to attend for for no renumeration. If they’d got their finger out and gave a decision years ago we’d have arranged our own as we’d had an offer of the course for free from a contact of one of our other drivers. We held off as we were told a decision was imminent from head office and here we are as usual looking down the barrel of a gun… We’ve had no hints or clues as to what this current course will contain as to requirements or content other than we need to take licence and counterpart so, I was just asking to see if any of you guys had been there, done that, type of thing.I did read somewhere in my searching that the CPC course is classed as other work as lots of Drivers who’d been on them had been issued with tachodiscs to fill in on arrival to be submitted to their place of work in due course with the normal tacho submission. I’ll find out for sure when I attend I suppose.
That line that says
“About a month ago we got a memo telling us they had arranged this course and as they are paying for the course”
Is the crux of the matter, that means you were requested to attend, paid or not doesn’t come into it …you MUST according to VOSA put it down as OTHER WORK .
So who has run out of hours or just buggered up their start time for next week I wonder.
The Company cannot make you infringe hours …Oh dear what a ■■■■ up , it just shows how badly the transport industry is at keeping up with the times and regulation and paperwork due to the fact its to busy just trying to survive in these hard times.
About time we regulated Jonny Foreigner running here for sod all stealing our work perhaps !
The majority of us will be fine 3 wheeler, we very rarely come even close to using our hours. We have a few of the Lads in other yards who do however but, I’d put money on it no one has even considered it being a problem. Getting two tyres the same diameter on an axle is rocket science to our transport dept.