Copy of mail sent to all TruckNet UK members

To all users of the TruckNet UK website.

It is with regret that I have to remind a few members that the private messaging
system on TruckNet UK is bound by the same rules as the open forums.

While only the recipient of a private message has access to read it, if abusive PM’s
are recieved you are encouraged to forward it to a member of the Admin team so we
can take action if needed.

This wek a member recieved a PM containing thinly veiled threats against their
children, spouse and property.

A check of the database showed two accounts posting from the IP address that sent
the threats, the 2nd account was a member who is mentioned in connection with the

Both accounts have recieved a final warning as to their conduct and abuse of the
website facilities.

Because of the serious nature of the content of the Private message we are also
considering forwarding the content, member details and IP address to our legal
team for advice.

TruckNet UK and RBI will not allow the website to be used in a manner that could
breach the law, or to threaten anyone with violence.

Please can everyone continue to use the website for the manner it is intended, for
discusion of our industry and the job of a professional driver, If anyone feels
they cannot utalise TruckNet UK within our rules they are repsctfully requested to
refrain from using it.

Rikki Chequer
Community Manager
Trucknet UK

Further to the above, one of the accounts has decided to continue to use the Private message system to send offensive messages and has his Private message privelages withdrawn, also the member has been informed any further breaches of the TruckNet UK rules will result in a ban from using the website.

Edit: The 2nd account involved has also continued to send abusive Pms, their rights to use the PM system are also revoked and similarly any further breaches of the webssite rules will result in a permamant ban from TruckNet UK

Note: normally such actions are kept totally private between the Admin team and the member. However due to the seriousness of the original rule breaches it is felt that members should be informed that action in this case is being taken. However we will not be “naming and shaming” or releasing the full contents of any messages