I’ve done a search on this but can’t find seem to find anything as to what size to get, there is so many! I’m away all week so will want it for 4 pints of milk, butter, cheese, salad, quiche, a bit of meat and 4 or 5 tinnies/bottle of wine. Do I go for 18, 24, 30, 35 and on and on!
On a side note I have found that most are all made by the same company(ish) eg the waeco cr28 that is £130 was sold as a halfords one till a few years ago for £70 edit a lot of the halfords ones are also sold by waeco at a much greater price.
Buy a domestic cheapy one, and an invertor that can also power other things like an X box or a toaster or any other toy you may want and if the fridge dies its cheap to replace.
I’ve got a ‘cheap’ Halfords one and it’s done more than 2 years now. Mine is only 30ltrs but is good for what I need and runs 24/7 and 5/6 days a week.
The good thing about it is that if it goes south there’s usually a Halfords somewhere close to where I am and I keep the receipt in the truck until its a year old when they will exchange foc!
I just give it a wipe inside every week and make sure I take the lid off when not in use. Only £30 ish I think?
I had one from Halfords which cost about 50quid. I used it all week when trapping but always turned it off at night to save my batteries. Tbh now I’d buy a big inverter and buy a proper mini fridge that I could leave on all week.
I used to have coolboxes the fan is always first to fail, (well in the obes that i have used) I bought a absorbtion portable fridge , works of 24v/240v or gas there is a 12v version too, no noise, and is cooler than a cool box, cost me around £200.00 some 7 yrs ago , if i had the spare cash i would buy a proper compressor type fridge/freezer
This may be a bit big for a truck but they do smaller versions but I bought this for my campervan a couple of years ago, runs on mains, 12v or gas. Bloody marvellous fridge mobilegas.co.uk/mobilecoolbo … bicool.htm
My old boss fitted us all up with Wacoe’s back in 92ish they were around £400 each then but apart from re-gassing a couple of times mine was still going strong in '03 when I sold it to my mate when i finished tramping. Went back on nights out in 08 & paid £30 for a Halfords 25lt coolbox and that’s still going well although I switch it off at bedtime every night.
Bugger, never thought about lidls! Ended up getting a 2nd hand 28l halfords one from the free ads, I thought it looked too big when I bought it but soon filled it up! Funnily enough it looks the same as a waeco one!