Just posting a link to an old Peugeot 406 advert that I remember seeing on tv years back.
If you can be patient, it features a tanker about one minute in with it’s trailer sliding out due to harsh braking. Has anyone ever been in that position and did it end well? I think the whole advert is quite good for it’s time so watch to the end. Quality isn’t too good though.
I ended up making funny shapes after hitting ice rain in south dakota last winter.
Thankfully never hit anything and got on to the shoulder in a fairly straight line.
Probaly more luck than judgement and it is thd advantage of having the long wheel base of a us spec tractor unit as itsca lot slower to react.
I did have one memorable trailer slide many years ago, but it had very little to do with harsh braking and more to do with a wet road and broken return fuel pipe covering the wheels with diesel. Took a split second to realise that the trailer filling my mirrors was actually mine sliding down the outside lane of a dual carriageway as I was trying to slow down for the roundabout ahead.
Luckily had an empty road, not exactly sure how I got out of it, must of come off the brakes, to get it straight again, but had already lost enough speed to get round the roundabout and stop.
I didn’t have time to worry about the truck sliding, but sitting waiting for my truck to be fixed I was worried about other vehicle hitting my diesel slick until it was cleared up. Really pleased no motorbikes were heading down there at the time.
In the days before load sensing valves it was all too easy to get a trailer locked up and sideways especially if empty if it had very sharp brakes, one place i worked we requested and they fitted manual valves with stencils of an empty half loaded and fully loaded lorry in the relevent positions so we could adjust trailer pressures accordingly, they worked too but those were the days when a driver was assumed to have a clue what he was doing, not the bloody one size fits all cobblers we have now.
Luckily i had no accidents due to this, and it was luck i assure you.
In the 80’s some foreign lorries would put something like 10% air pressure down the service line to the trailer when the exahust brake was used, always thought that was a bloody silly idea.
I’m reasonably certain this is what caused a womans death in Maidstone about that time when the trailer locked up and unseen by the driver came slicing down the path, yes i know it doesn’t bear thinking about does it, no doubt some others here will remember the incident.
I well remember the reaction from the testing stations at the time though, that system was banned, took my lorry for MOT and the very first thing checked was for unwanted pressure down the service line when retarder used, anything found was an instant fail, probably GV9’able if on the open road.
course you could provoke a trailer slide easy peasy if you had a Scania with independent trailer brake.