Continental Hauliers

As well as photographing Trucks from UK firms, I also have a few of European/Continental haulage firms, many are as well known to us as British firms. Some have driven for these firms, subbied for them, or known some of their drivers from regular runs, delivery/collection points etc, or waiting at border crossings/boats etc, so thought I would put them up to look at, hopefully they might trigger memories/stories for someone! I start with a pic of a HS Frederics wagon I was driving at the time, HSF are a common sight on UK roads, I took this in Bradford while I was tipping!

Here I am back at Witney, Oxon on saturday lunchtime after my 1st week away for HSF. I had been away with my mate Griff, whose wagon this was, just for a ride the previous week, Griff was on holiday this week but the jumper who was meant to be driving his wagon backed out, so I was asked if I would take her out for the week, so hey ho lets have a go!

I used to deliver paint for AKZO into Ford’s at Dagenham, You had to go to vehicle receiving for paperwork etc, there were always half a dozen, sometimes more Spniards waiting to tip.

Classic Dutchman with his DAF! Leicester Forrest Services 1989.

CSAD Liaz, loading at RT Express warehouse on Milton Park, Oxon in June 1988.

Another Classic, a Turk with a MACK! Pic took in 1988 on the Chelsea Embankment, he was having his lunch & I asked him if I could take a pic of his wagon, he was chuffed to bits, he spoke enough English for us to be able to have a chat (good job too, cos its hard to have a conversation when the only word you know of his language is kebab!), he gave me a guided tour of the wagon, he was clearly very proud of it!

Got a few more to put on, but the Dark-side says we gota go to Sainsburys!

Hi adr,
Great pics, I have some of a foreign firm called Lukers ! parked outside bars in different places,I don’t know where the drivers were :unamused: :unamused:
I cant put them on as there is a super injunction on them :blush:


Out of curiosity ADR what are dutch companys like to work for i have heard they look after you and pay well

Thanks Rob

Out of curiosity ADR what are dutch companys like to work for i have heard they look after you and pay well

Thanks Rob

Hi Rob,

This (quite large) topic might be of help, but just before you click the link, it might be best to take your night out gear, cos you could be gone for some time. :stuck_out_tongue:

:bulb: You might need to take some of it with a pinch of salt, but you can’t beat it for entertainment. :wink: :grimacing:

Out of curiosity ADR what are dutch companys like to work for i have heard they look after you and pay well

Thanks Rob

Hi Rob,
Its always difficult I think to say whether working for a particular firm, or firms from a particular country etc is any good, as different people have seperate experiences that can sometimes colour their judgement, & if someone has had a bad time somewhere it can sometimes make them tar all with the same brush, or make them see it all through rose tinted specs, so all I can tell you is what I found. Were Fredrerics a good employer? On the whole yes, you had good kit, there was plenty of work, & yes you were paid well. Did they treat you OK? I was treated fine the time I was on there, because of the nature of the work with lots of collections/deliveries you were on the phone quite a bit to the office in Nijmegen particularly when you were in Holland collecting cos you could have 6-7-8 pick-ups & you never knew where the next one was, so you had to call in after each one for instructions, whenever I spoke to them they were helpfull & polite, I was never shouted at or sworn at, if you just got on with your job they were fine.Frederics had a lot of British drivers, & traditionally the relationship between the Dutch & British has been good, it’s also helpfull that they tend to speak better English than we do, cos the Dutch language is summat else, I always said it was like 8 million people with a speech impediment! I always found I was treated with respect & courtesy at most collections in Holland, maybe it helped a bit that I was driving a Dutch truck, but the Dutch are nice people anyway. As for the job, were Frederics naughty? at times absolutely, if you wanted to run legal then keep away from them, (they might well have changed that now) but at the time that was the job, 36 hours straight through was done quite regularly, but again that was the job, I don’t do rest-room crying, have a look at the job & if it doesn’t suit then move on, don’t get all moralistic about it or criticise people too much cos you don’t always know the reasons or the circumstances. Would I work for a Dutch company again? definately if I was looking, but its like everything in life it’s horses for courses!
Regards Chris

Used to be a common site, no doubt got took over by Norbert or someone!

The Spanish always had there own look, always smart though!

Never a lover of roof-top sleepers!

Pictured in South Mimms, 1990. The Scandinavians still not that common over here.

Another Spanish Pegaso Troner, South Mimms late 80s!

French Globetrotter, they never quite looked right without the sunvisor!

Hi Chris.The Renault with the top sleeper,Onater,I recall a French haulier that used to load pitch out of BSC Chemicals Orgreave Sheffield in the 70s,bonneted motors but can’t remember what make.I think they called them Onater and were from the Marseille area.Would it be the same company? They didn’t hang about when loaded. :laughing:

Hi Chris,
Could have been the same firm, Onater is an unusual name. Used to see them about quite a bit, think they were a fair size, probably another firm that got bought out by the Big Boys, unless they went bust like a lot of French firms over the last few years.
Regards Chris