
mark j robinson:
To go back to the original post…Daf Dave was askin about letting Elite or Wincanton run his old truck. I’ve just had a look at the Wincanton subbies brochure (email) Pence per mile 114 for 44t. is this par for course you guys on distance? If you carry a twin container they pay you an extra £30, my my, thats generous of them, A pair of Manchesters ex Felix will probably net them £1400 and they are gonna give you £630. Reminds me of a similar scenario when I spoke to Hanbury Davies several years ago, must be old Hanbury staff running Wincanton Container Division. And finally demurrage…£12.50 after FOUR hours. They’re pulling your pants down.

kinell :open_mouth: i get 30 quid an hour after 2 hours on my container job and i thought i was hard done by

mark j robinson:
To go back to the original post…Daf Dave was askin about letting Elite or Wincanton run his old truck. I’ve just had a look at the Wincanton subbies brochure (email) Pence per mile 114 for 44t. is this par for course you guys on distance? If you carry a twin container they pay you an extra £30, my my, thats generous of them, A pair of Manchesters ex Felix will probably net them £1400 and they are gonna give you £630. Reminds me of a similar scenario when I spoke to Hanbury Davies several years ago, must be old Hanbury staff running Wincanton Container Division. And finally demurrage…£12.50 after FOUR hours. They’re pulling your pants down.

would be about right, considering Wincanton bought out Hanbury Davis a couple of years ago now :wink:

Chaversdad, ain’t gonna ask who you work for coz that aint my bag, I try to get 2 ■■■■ paying jobs on the lorry together, but it really riles me to so see these people take the ■■■■ out of owner drivers

The hardest problem you’ll have is finding a driver that will work the truck as an owner driver would and has the ring attidue to the job they are out there bit they are few and fa between
which is what your going to need to do to make it pay. With the rates that are on containers

I’m a class 1 driver, container exp. for RCL based in Manchester.

As a driver for RCL, we were on £7.50 / hr for all hours mon - fri, £21 night out, parking at a depot (depots around) or paid for if stuck somewhere - rather have truck / fuel secure and pay a few quid for parking. £10 / hr Saturdays, £11 / hr Sundays.

Was a good job, but when things were quiet, we didn’t work or get paid ANYTHING and if we did 3hrs (1 local) then we got 3hrs pay, so I had to leave. Was sometimes putting more in my fuel tank to go to work than I earned, other times not earning at all etc.

Love container work tbh, suits me, and expect the wages to be low in it - not really doing much work compared to general haulage.

A few firms now (not RCL yet) in all aspects of haulage are adding ‘driver excess’ policies, where, if the driver has a bump, they take £■■■ out of his wages, some are £150, some are £500. With this, I’m starting to look at whether it’s worth getting my own wagon, since I’m taking all the risk but not getting any of the reward.

Any advise - or jobs come to that :slight_smile:… Nights out are fine and welcomed if based more than 30 mile from Manchester.


mark j robinson:
when I spoke to Hanbury Davies several years ago, must be old Hanbury staff running Wincanton Container Division

would be about right, considering Wincanton bought out Hanbury Davis a couple of years ago now :wink:

That is very much the case. Plus an influx of former C.E.L/Carters staff



mark j robinson:
when I spoke to Hanbury Davies several years ago, must be old Hanbury staff running Wincanton Container Division

would be about right, considering Wincanton bought out Hanbury Davis a couple of years ago now :wink:

That is very much the case. Plus an influx of former C.E.L/Carters staff

there again, Wincanton staff now after they bought Carters/C.E.L out

yeah - Sorry, I wasn’t very clear with that last post :blush:

I’m ex Hanbury, now Wincanton.

A few firms now (not RCL yet) in all aspects of haulage are adding ‘driver excess’ policies, where, if the driver has a bump, they take £■■■ out of his wages, some are £150, some are £500.

As an employed driver (by a large company) I think I’d be taking “legal advice” if my firm tried that on :unamused:


A few firms now (not RCL yet) in all aspects of haulage are adding ‘driver excess’ policies, where, if the driver has a bump, they take £■■■ out of his wages, some are £150, some are £500.

As an employed driver (by a large company) I think I’d be taking “legal advice” if my firm tried that on :unamused:

Friends wife works for a solicitors, took his contract in and got told that because it’s in his contract, then it’s legal…

Just love to know where NMW comes in on this??


But your right, if it’s in the contract - from the beginning.

I think they’d be hard pressed to add it to an existing contract.


But your right, if it’s in the contract - from the beginning.

I think they’d be hard pressed to add it to an existing contract.

NMW = National Minimum Wage.

There’s a few firms doing it now, I won’t work for them though.

No driver wants a crash, but if you have 1, it’s 1 of those things. They want us to share the risk, surely we should share the profits?