Containerlift (Southampton) looking for drivers

Local jobcentre is advertising for class 1 drivers for Containerlift in Southampton, not sure why they’re having to resort to the jobcentre.Reference number is HYH/16394, also advertising on their web site
here. Given the time of the year and the current situation I am surprised they have to resort to the Jobcentre. My application has gone in :sunglasses:


that’s surprising, i was talking to one of their drivers the other day, he said they were being asked to do overtime with a deduction in pay, or face redundancies :confused:

Yep 15% pay cut NO overtime but they are still expecting you to work long hours…apparently a couple of the boys who work there have worked it out as LESS then minimum wage :open_mouth: :open_mouth: …loads of other ■■■■ going on there too which i wont divulge.
I personally wouldn’t touch em with a ■■■■■■ stick I PERSONALLY,wouldn’t think they have long left ,March 31st springs too mind :wink: …and its MONTHLY pay.

that’s surprising, i was talking to one of their drivers the other day, he said they were being asked to do overtime with a deduction in pay, or face redundancies :confused:

sounds like they’re expecting some to leave, possibly.,


that’s surprising, i was talking to one of their drivers the other day, he said they were being asked to do overtime with a deduction in pay, or face redundancies :confused:

sounds like they’re expecting some to leave, possibly.,

a couple left the day that all this was announced…they laid off a load of drivers in Tilbury a few months back and the drivers that are left are NOW on a point scoring system for ppretty much everything…those who have the lowest scores at the end lose their jobs
they had a meeting at head office in Herfordshire on SUNDAY to get the low down on the new rules and regs…they WEREN’T paid for that and those that didn’t attend were automatically deducted 10 points…those who didn’t or dont sign the new agreement also lose points…seems a bit ■■■■■■■ wrong to me :angry: :angry:



that’s surprising, i was talking to one of their drivers the other day, he said they were being asked to do overtime with a deduction in pay, or face redundancies :confused:

sounds like they’re expecting some to leave, possibly.,

a couple left the day that all this was announced…they laid off a load of drivers in Tilbury a few months back and the drivers that are left are NOW on a point scoring system for ppretty much everything…those who have the lowest scores at the end lose their jobs
they had a meeting at head office in Herfordshire on SUNDAY to get the low down on the new rules and regs…they WEREN’T paid for that and those that didn’t attend were automatically deducted 10 points…those who didn’t or dont sign the new agreement also lose points…seems a bit [zb] wrong to me :angry: :angry:

Avoid them like the Plague, to put it mildy.

Having noted the comments on here about Containerlifts antics, I phoned them today on the pretence of looking for work (not mentioning I had already applied). I told them I had heard of driver’s being laid off, they said they were in the process of some reorganisation and they would most certainly be taking on a number of drivers in Southampton :confused: So I’m none the wiser :open_mouth:


If you are out of work fastrantiger & got to pay your way take what you can it`s desperate up my end