Connecting airlines

is it me or or airlines getting harder to push on? Had to do half a nights shunting last night on fridges couldnt help getting covered in grease cos had to push that hard on the airlines. I know about the split coupling system but some of the trailers had no park brake on so couldnt do it on them. surely there could be some better connections, like the scandinavian couplings?

No park brake?! LOL !! I think you’re imagining it as they wouldn’t pass an MoT without one.

The lines on ours are getting a little more difficult - I wonder if the cold weather has an effect :confused: :confused:

well i couldnt find the park brake on two of em last night anyway

Only half a nights shunting

You try a full night x5 every week and you’ll know what it’s like pushing air lines on.
The worst is,ive got 4series scania,so its up and down 3 steps god knows how many times a night.
Knackerd at the end of the trouble sleeping in the day after that.

Tony b

Carry a can of spray on oil/grease/whatever you can use :laughing:

could be that your little balls are frozen :stuck_out_tongue: try some Duck oil or WD40

I never have these problems with palm couplings, you dont even need to wear gloves :wink:

Some dont have park brakes or they have automatic park brakes…

I am not sure what brand they are but Macfarlane use them now where the parking brake is automatically applied (but not disengaged)…

I have also seen a couple recently where there is no parking brake at all but its defiantly locking up if the red air line is not on… I dont know what these are either but they were some from Belgium…

As for getting all ■■■■ up why not just use the shunt button?

Split couple with the shunt button !!!

No thankyou .

i thought it was something to do with british airways :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

i thought it was something to do with british airways :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

You missed your connection with flight KLZE10 :smiley:

is it me or or airlines getting harder to push on?

I’m with you on this problem bugcos…Can I get a connecting flight from Paris to Bulgaria ? Can I b***ocks… :imp:

I’ve Pushed,shoved,begged,pleaded… even offered to pay… Tearing me hair out…

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I never said split couple with the shunt button… thats just asking for a fatality…

I mean hookup… jump out, wind up the legs and whack the shunt button… no need for any lines at all thus no grease.

Does take balls of steel depending on your site rules…

DHL suffered a fatality in September.

Driver left the cab, connected up, but had failed to apply handbrake…
He jumped from catwalk, tried to stop the vehicle by trying to get back in the cab…

He lost his life as a result…

If yard rules are there with regard to vehicle operations, it must be said that to break them, could mean your P45 in the post or you in a box.

Maybe it’s lack of experience that caused it, maybe complacency, or just plain old forgetfulness.

The top tip for all new drivers has to be, if you suffer a runaway, disconnect the red line ASAP…

This really cannot be overemphasised enough, especially this time of year when everyone is trying to get done for xmas.

Lets all stay safe this festive season and make sure families are intact…

Seasons greetings…


All our runaways are a sackable offence .
More so if you end up hitting something .

All our runaways are a sackable offence .
More so if you end up hitting something .

Rather that than finishing up in a box.

Shamefully, I must admit that I did it once. I released the trailer brake and the whole lot started moving. :blush:

I had long previously decided that if it ever did happen, then I wasn’t going to run around trying to get into the cab.

I simply reapplied the trailer brake and then just stood there. It took about five or ten seconds (it seemed like an eternity) before the vehicle halted. Especially as the whole thing was heading towards a couple of privately owned cars. :open_mouth: Vehicles are replaceable.

In relation to the air lines, at this time of year, ‘dunk’ them in the fuel tank. Diesel is a form of ‘light oil’ and will lubricate the coupling as well as washing off the salt, grid, and general crud.

dump the air out of the system … no air = no pressure


In relation to the air lines, at this time of year, ‘dunk’ them in the fuel tank. Diesel is a form of ‘light oil’ and will lubricate the coupling as well as washing off the salt, grid, and general crud.

:open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: NO no no, diesel will break down the rubber seals in the couplings, not to mention all the [zb] that will end up in the fuel filters, stick to wd40 or grease, theres always plenty of grease around a fifth wheel…

Luckily I have never had one run away… probobaly due to the fact that I think all of our units have the hand brake warning siren working…

I have heard of several cases on site where this has happened though but luckily no one has been killed but had a couple of knocked heads of people trying to get to the park brake quick…

I can see my self freezing up if my tailer ever rolled away… pretty serious to be thinking rationally like pulling the redf air line or hitting the park brake if you are close… In two instances the driver was doing the legs and it rolled away… they both tried to run to the cab…

Best not to get your self in this very dangerous postion. Always check and double check the handbrake is applied. You should even be able to see it thoruhg the rear window for a double check.

I never said split couple with the shunt button… thats just asking for a fatality…

Why is it? I always split couple if the gap is tight or I’m hooking up to a reefer. Never once had any bother. Like anything, if you engage brain first then you won’t have any problems whatsoever as long as you follow the correct sequence. It’s only “asking for a fatality” if you don’t know what you’re doing. Split coupling is as safe as houses.

I mean hookup… jump out, wind up the legs and whack the shunt button… no need for any lines at all thus no grease.

Does take balls of steel depending on your site rules…

If there isn’t enough air in the trailer then you can play with the shunt button as much as you want, but the trailer won’t move.