Confused newbie: compensating for reduced weekly rest

Hi all,

I have undertaken lots of searching and devouring of .gov rules, and this forum, but I am still confused by compensating a reduced weekly rest. A little advice would be much appreciated.

New C+E driver here after a long career running teams of engineers in automotive - I am loving the change so far. I have a nice consistent shift pattern so far easing me in, Monday to Friday, starting 6am each day. I am happy with all the daily, driving and working time rest periods required.

I am puzzled by the concept of doing an additional overtime day though, a Sunday for example.

I understand that I am allowed one reduced weekly rest (24 hours + ) per fortnight, but I think that I must compensate for the reduced weekly rest by the end of the third week following.

That means that if I do one weekend day as an ‘overtime’ shift (so 6 days one week), I must work only 4 days in one of the three following weeks? So in summary, I am not allowed to work an extra day, I am only allowed to move one of my five days from a future week, into this one. Have I understood correctly?


Newbies often over-complicate these issues:

  1. No more than six 24 hour working periods (NB 24 hours, not days)without at least a reduced daily rest
  2. Anything less than 45 hours is a reduced weekly rest
  3. Compensation for your reduced weekly rest must be done no later than the third week following the week the reduction was made
  4. Compensations need to be en bloc, eg not splitting a 12 hour compensation into two 6-hour or three 4-hour segments.
  5. So small compensations can be done on top of a daily rest, bigger comps will need to be on a weekly rest
  6. Simple version of your “six day week” is that you can only do it once every two weeks.

That’ll do you for right now, there are more convoluted work patterns that can fit the rules but the motto for now should be K.I.S.S.

Thanks @Zac_A.

I think my issue is I am used to the thinking in working days, not hours.

So thinking aloud, I am working tomorrow so my reduced weekly rest is Fri 18:00 to Sun 06:00. That is 34 hours, so I need to compensate 11 hours.

So, next week if I finish at 18 on Fri, I need to have 56 hours (45 plus the 11 compensation) as a weekly rest - so, cannot start before 04:00 on Monday to be clear?

That makes much more sense.

Thanks so much,


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Thanks @Zac_A.

I think my issue is I am used to the thinking in working days, not hours.

So thinking aloud, I am working tomorrow so my reduced weekly rest is Fri 18:00 to Sun 06:00. That is 34 hours, so I need to compensate 11 hours.

So, next week if I finish at 18 on Fri, I need to have 56 hours (45 plus the 11 compensation) as a weekly rest - so, cannot start before 04:00 on Monday to be clear?

That makes much more sense.

Thanks so much,


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That is ok but you have got another two weeks after that to do it