Company relocation

Has anybody worked for a compy thats relocated/ moved premises.
Or know the legalization on it for employees.

Basically I work for small company on Trafford park 6 trucks and few vans.
Keep hearing stories/ rumours we may be moving to new premises in Bolton.

If this did happen do I have any rights.
Ie can I ask for redundancy?

As it stands now it’s roughly 20 mins half hour commute to work for me.
If we do move to Bolton depending where it is that would add another half hour onto my commute plus extra petrol money. Plus don’t fancy leaving bolton for home at 5 anyway probably take well .over an hour.

Just curious. If did move premises would It be a case if you don’t want to travel that far ever day. Loose my job or can I be entitled to redundancy. As don’t really want to travel from where I am to Bolton every day

You do need to look at your contract of employment.Some have a clause that says employees can be asked to go to a new work location within a certain distance of there current workplace NOT from his/her home.Its not the employers problem that he/she has to double travel time.
More than likely you could expect redundancy if there`s no offer of compensation for the extra commute time and travel.

Hi edd, the rules on site moves that Ive heard from mates who this has impacted, all seem to be in the bosses favour. It depends on the business move distance not your commute, and the move from trafford to bolton would mean ■■■■ it up or leave with no redundancy. But with all these cases get proper legal advice, dont rely on a trucker with a CSE in woodwork :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Thanks just asking incase anyone has worked for a company that has relocated. And what the score was.
Have see what happens said nothings official we.are moving.
Hope we don’t as I don’t want an hour or so commute to work especially coming home during rush hour.
Will impact other drivers more than me as they live towards Stockport way.

Has anybody worked for a compy thats relocated/ moved premises.
Or know the legalization on it for employees.

Basically I work for small company on Trafford park 6 trucks and few vans.
Keep hearing stories/ rumours we may be moving to new premises in Bolton.

If this did happen do I have any rights.
Ie can I ask for redundancy?

As it stands now it’s roughly 20 mins half hour commute to work for me.
If we do move to Bolton depending where it is that would add another half hour onto my commute plus extra petrol money. Plus don’t fancy leaving bolton for home at 5 anyway probably take well .over an hour.

Just curious. If did move premises would It be a case if you don’t want to travel that far ever day. Loose my job or can I be entitled to redundancy. As don’t really want to travel from where I am to Bolton every day

A long time ago when I worked for Wincanton on the bacon contract close to the stockyard they lost the contract and decided to closed the site and the contract moved back to Grampians yard at the chicken factory in Thorne Doncaster, around 30+ miles away. The company HR held 1-2-1 interviews regarding tupe’ing the drivers to the new site.
Half of the drivers decided to transfer to the then Wincanton/Tesco Doncaster, several others inc me decided on wanting redundancy. But without good cause we where screwed, but we where smart enough to figure out that as we lived within walking distance of the current site, we could tell HR that we didn’t have suitable transport as we walked “around the corner” to work, and what cars we did have the wife used to get to work. The TM knew we all had shiny cars sat in the car park but kept quiet, so the HR conceded that redundancy was therefore the only option.
Ironically 6 months later I was working at that site in Thorne driving their trucks via the agency

Thanks just asking incase anyone has worked for a company that has relocated. And what the score was.
Have see what happens said nothings official we.are moving.
Hope we don’t as I don’t want an hour or so commute to work especially coming home during rush hour.
Will impact other drivers more than me as they live towards Stockport way.

Yes when they closed Newark I asked for redundancy , they said it was relocation not redundancy situation , they seemed stumped with me as only had rugby / doncaster both of which are 50 miles ftom my house , even tramping I said too far , then out of the blue they came up with Boston 28 miles , had to go but left 2 weeks 5 days later with no redundancy , they chucked in that contract later and my understanding is some got paid redundancy then , but not 100 % sure on that
I think above 3o miles theyl struggle , but if like me it was just under , you’ve got 2 options , leave as I did , or ■■■■ it up .

Have a look at Applications & Decisions for O Lic ences and see if they have made an application for a new location!