



How come my post was deleted from this thread? :confused:
Happened a few times lately and no message telling me why? :unamused:

I know there were two threads with same title etc so you may have posted it on the other thread ■■

I see what a [zb] :smiley:
Both by same bloke to, I’ll just go hide under a rock for a bit :slight_smile:

I’m sure they do it to confuse us!! And with me I’m easily confused, I must be on the ball today though :laughing: :laughing:

Is one for going to work and one back later? :confused:
Like the sign in now thread, it could run forever, took me 32 mins to get to the yard yesterday.
Is there any chance of a Sunday commute thread? :smiley:

shortest commute i do is about 10 minutes, longest is about 1 hour, but if I’m getting paid well, I’ll go any distance!. :smiley:
Longest commute i ever did was about 25 hours including a 4 hour flight to moscow, 13 hour wait at moscow airport for connection, then a 6 hour flight to Irkutsk. :open_mouth:




How come my post was deleted from this thread? :confused:
Happened a few times lately and no message telling me why? :unamused:

I know there were two threads with same title etc so you may have posted it on the other thread ■■

I see what a [zb] :smiley:
Both by same bloke to, I’ll just go hide under a rock for a bit :slight_smile:

I’m sure they do it to confuse us!! And with me I’m easily confused, I must be on the ball today though :laughing: :laughing:

Im really ■■■■■■■ confused now!!

I didnt mean to post the same topic twice :blush: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

sorry people :confused:

i do 1 1/2 on a monday at 2.30am and fridays can be anyones guess.

30 mins on a Monday then 30 mins on a Friday…

5-5.5hrs on a Sunday night :unamused: :unamused:

5-7.5 hrs on a Friday evening :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:

Falkirk - Bournville every week :sunglasses: :confused: :sunglasses:

I used to commute daily to secondary school, 1 hr each way. It would have to be a JOB if I was to do it again. Complete waste of time, while commuting you are not working-making money, your are not at home relaxing, doing hobbies, enjoying time with family…
at the end it’s down to your circumstances, frequency, the job, earnings, cost of travelling, family obligations, personal preferences…

I’m just about to be made redundant from a job that came with a van so having to go back to running a car I’ve been giving this a lot of thought.

Currently my journey is 27 miles and just over half an hour each way daily although I do have the occasional night out.

It would be nice to get a job with the same or preferably shorter commute but looking at whats around in the way of work it looks like I’ll be lucky to match let alone reduce it.

What with the cost of fuel these days it looks like I might be going back to tramping and then at least it’s only a once a week journey.


120 mile round trip,Bury(manchester),Sherburn-in-Elmet,Leeds. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr…

4 miles each way, but we’re moving to a bigger yard soon which is closer to home so it will be about half that :smiley:

Youll be getin on your bike then :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Runcorn to Haydock every night(HATE IT)Gota find a job nearer home and back on days HELP :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: