Commercial Square - Leicester, Where to get grub?

Hi guys,

I’ve been roped in to driving my dad to a business meeting on Tuesday, seeing as I have a day off (Ruddy agencies!) .
Its in “commercial square” Leicester, near the football ground and just behind Morrisons.

Anyone got any ideas if there’s a decent cafe on that industrial estate?
Or does the Morrisons there have a cafe and toilets?

I reckon I’ll be stuck there a good few hours!



Hi guys,

I’ve been roped in to driving my dad to a business meeting on Tuesday, seeing as I have a day off (Ruddy agencies!) .
Its in “commercial square” Leicester, near the football ground and just behind Morrisons.

Anyone got any ideas if there’s a decent cafe on that industrial estate?
Or does the Morrisons there have a cafe and toilets?

I reckon I’ll be stuck there a good few hours!



Hi Scarab, I’d say that ROG is your man for this question. :smiley:

:laughing: :laughing: If there’s a good hiding place in Leicester, he’ll know it .:grimacing:

Follow the one way system around the industrial estate and there is a very good cafe on the left in front of the fruit & veg market and behind the mobile T-bar. The T-bar is more expensive than the cafe :open_mouth: :open_mouth:
Plenty of free parking :smiley:

You see, Rog did know ! He is the official cafe critic for Leicester

I’ll second what ROG says but what was he doing up at that time of the morning…

I agree too top grub :smiley:

morrisons cafe would be as good as any

Chas Malthouse:
I’ll second what ROG says but what was he doing up at that time of the morning…

Cos I was poorly :cry: :cry: and did not get to sleep til 5am :open_mouth: :open_mouth: - been like a zombie all day - can’t safely drive either.

Thanks for the replies guys, especially ROG.

I’ll be back with my report tomorrow evening, if I get the squits I’ll be blaming it on you lot! :wink:


Thanks for the replies guys, especially ROG.

I’ll be back with my report tomorrow evening, if I get the squits I’ll be blaming it on you lot! :wink:


Public toilets inside morrissons are nearby :wink: :laughing: :laughing:

Hope you feel better soon ROG

Chas Malthouse:
Hope you feel better soon ROG

Thanks - back to normal now… Hmmm… using ROG and NORMAL in the same place… don’t seem right somehow :exclamation:


Chas Malthouse:
I’ll second what ROG says but what was he doing up at that time of the morning…

Cos I was poorly :cry: :cry: and did not get to sleep til 5am :open_mouth: :open_mouth: - been like a zombie all day - can’t safely drive either.

been like a zombie all day - can’t safely drive either.

sounds like most drivers these days?

Thanks for the replies guys, especially ROG.

I’ll be back with my report tomorrow evening, if I get the squits I’ll be blaming it on you lot! :wink:


Oh Oh - Scarab has not been back on here and I recommended where to eat - think I might have to get a good lawyer :exclamation:

I’m back lad! fear ye not!

Well I got there ok! found a tea bar thing which sold fried chicken and looked…well the less said the better.

Anyway I went to Morrisons and got a full meal and a large coke for £3.10, for someone currently living down south I was well chuffed!

As for Leicester itself… I’ll let you keep it ROG :wink:

Thanks for all the help guys!


As for Leicester itself… I’ll let you keep it ROG

I get used to it - unfortunately :open_mouth:

Well I got there ok! found a tea bar thing which sold fried chicken and looked…well the less said the better.

Did you go inside the cafe or use the outside T-bar :question:


I couldn’t find the cafe, I did look but couldn’t see it.

I passed on the T-Bar and went to Morrisons, mainly because I was busting for a pee, but ended up using the cafe as well!


I couldn’t find the cafe, I did look but couldn’t see it.

I thought every trucker could smell a cafe from 10 miles away :exclamation: :exclamation:

I thought every trucker could smell a cafe from 10 miles away

I know, I’m a failure :frowning:


I thought every trucker could smell a cafe from 10 miles away

I know, I’m a failure :frowning:

That is definitely a SERIOUS :wink: :laughing: :laughing: