Comm Motor job site

Has anybody else checked out the CM job site listed on the TN content list, just a list of agency jobs (or non jobs as I would call them :unamused:) a complete waste of site space. Bloody agencies have gone a long way to ruin this industry :smiling_imp: When they first came about in the 80s they were looked upon as a bit of a joke, where as now it looks like they have taken control virtually. If they as middle men (aka parasites) were cut out, our wages would be more realistic. Who agrees?

Me agrees.

Been on agency before long ago but not for driving. It was just as bad back then - ‘as and when needed’ messed around so much. :frowning:

Makes you wonder how someone can get a mortgage / finance when you’re not in ‘full time employment’, I’d say agency is NOT full time - they could drop you tommorow! :open_mouth:

Then what…?

nearly all job sites are full of agency rubbish now,
i typed in hgv driving jobs and clicked full time and permanent all i got was a load of tosh :imp:

I agree with the O/P; I looked on there last week (strangely just before I had the call offering me my new job) and found only Mercedes (something or other) sales jobs in my area.
Around Oxon, all you get is agency multi drop or ADR on tankers.

I must admit, i have only had one agency that were spot on with me…i got decent work top money and it was allways in the bank on time, i needed something quick and they suited me at the time after being made redundant…i did try others and they were so full of s… they could have buried me, they are handy for short term until you get back on your feet…thats if they scratch your back and you scratch theres.

The recruitment agency and temporary jobs that show up when using the “permanent” and “direct employer” filter I have reported as a bug , although I doubt any of the developers will be at work over the weekend :wink: :wink:

The site is still brand new and is not actually officially live yet - we wanted to give the users here the chance to get in first and register and upload their CV’s before it gets its full launch, so jobs will be limited. Also it means we have extra eyes to pick up on issues like this that we can fix.

Please remember this is a Commercial motor initiative not Truck & Driver so while it will carry driving jobs… most jobs will be based on the CM audience. that said for those wanting to move on out of driving and have a career there are already quite a few entry level office jobs , from sales through planning.

I noticed this a while ago looked a few times but gave up as seen they were all agency jobe I did post on here about it a while ago as well