Co-op Thurrock desperate for agency drivers!

Just been offered £100 bonus to go in there tomorrow, fill your boots if asked to go there! :wink:

Andover Co-op are desperate for drivers too, but no bonuses announced as yet.

Sorry but it’s not for me either!!!

I was offered £50 bonus to goto Iceland Harlow, but that never materialised either. :unamused:

They were offering £500 plus paid hotel for coop Newhouse at beginning of the week. Was tempted to take a weeks holiday from coop in Alfreton.

ZB me… 500 bonus for a shift…


There is no shortage

ZB me… 500 bonus for a shift…


There is no shortage

Again, only a shortage of people agencies can get away with messing around. If these co-op depots that are clearly struggling created some good well paying permanent driving jobs to relieve their agency reliance, i would go out on a limb and say such vacancies will get filled pretty sharp.

get it in writing :slight_smile:

trust no ■■■■

get it in writing :slight_smile:

trust no [zb]

That’s right. That’s why the £50 I spoke of above “never materialised”. I asked for an email confirm message for the shift given, mentioning the £50 bonus, and I didn’t even get an email trying to palm me off with the shift without mentioning the damned bonus.

—k 'em. I didn’t go. :sunglasses:

Nobody has mentioned WHICH agencies are allegedly offering said bonuses?

ADN. “Agency Drivers Network”. Umbrella scams, false promises, promise high hourly rates but you end up with lower than what you get now, and the work isn’t available on PAYE without them making such a song and dance about it, you’ll probably end up not bothering at all.

One to blacklist. Name and shaming done. The quintessential agency that everyone describes when slagging off agencies on here. The one that gives all the others such a bad name by their lying practices, crooked off-book deals, and sheer bullcrap.

Have these agencies advertised these so called jobs in Poland?

ADR are a good agency, they have most of the decent jobs. I’d say CO OP. is still a ball ache even on better money.

It’ll only be there for July & August then it’ll be back to normal service, bear that in mind if you’re thinking of chasing the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, altogether now, “Somewhere over the rainbow…”

If you have an exclusive contract providing agency drivers into NISA, then that doesn’t make it any good - just hard to get around outside that’s all.

I turned up offering weekends & nights availability, and got told £13-£14ph PAYE. On the day, I was asked to sign a 12 hour contract that basically could have me doing 2x6hours Tuesday & Wednesday 6am starts, £8.33ph SELF EMPLOYED. This is absolutely no good at all, as it represents “paying to go to work” for me on the wrong side of the river, miles out and everything. If they’d offered me a 12 hour contract any one shift Friday/Saturday/sunday, which was what I turned up after, I would have taken it on the spot, and swallowed the umbrella bit perhaps. 3 shaftings is two too many for anyone who can count I reckons.

The big hourly rates are ONLY if you can get their hallowed weekend work on exactly the shift you want - but even the weekends are overly late night starts, so no joy there either.
You’re expected to “put in some hours during the week” which I’d already said I was not available for. I work around my life, not divorce my wife in all but name, and work stupid O’clock family disrupting shifts with more deductions than I care to count. :imp:

FFS if I’m going to be doing all the running about, the least I should expect is a firm that does what it says on the tin, - but no. :angry:

Nobody has mentioned WHICH agencies are allegedly offering said bonuses?

And nobody with any sense would tell you that! The information was given out in the hope that it might strengthen the bargaining hand of anyone going in there.

but not them trying to find anything, even just a day a week !!!

but not them trying to find anything, even just a day a week !!!

It’s July. Why can’t you find anything? Age? Lack of experience?

neither nor , aged 39 12 years class one , plenty of experience !!, just simple no work out there , unless i work nights or start at dinnertime !!

What hours would suit?

Anything for starting no later than 7pm that’s paid as “nights” will do. You think I’m joking! :grimacing:
I often do 4pm-7am, or 3pm-3am which I expect to be paid as nights. It’s the finish time that defines, rather than the start time you see. :sunglasses:
Telling someone starting at 5pm that “they don’t qualify for nights” suggests the shift is either too short for purpose or isn’t paying nights for working … well through the night!
Not good is it hmm? :frowning:

Anything for starting no later than 7pm that’s paid as “nights” will do. You think I’m joking! :grimacing:
I often do 4pm-7am, or 3pm-3am which I expect to be paid as nights. It’s the finish time that defines, rather than the start time you see. :sunglasses:
Telling someone starting at 5pm that “they don’t qualify for nights” suggests the shift is either too short for purpose or isn’t paying nights for working … well through the night!
Not good is it hmm? :frowning:

Agreed…I’ve had this 'it’s not nights ‘cos you’re starting at 6pm and you’ll be done by 3am’ lark as well. It’s the fact that the hourly rate is higher on nights that tempts them to prevaricate about it.

Agencies: The ability to lie to your face, offer bonuses that don’t exist pay ■■■■■ rates and treat you like ■■■■■ and now they have the ability to turn night into day… :grimacing:

Une formule magique as the French may say…

Or more likely ‘connerie’ or ‘merde’ I would think…! :laughing: