CND Transport Tilbury

Who are they and what are they about :question:

Didnt they used to have an office outside Greenham Common?

Didnt they used to have an office outside Greenham Common?

That’s right, how about S & M Transport :question: their in Bury St Edmunds, bet they have a wip round at christmas :exclamation:

I know ime going off on a tangent here but ime sure that i have seen a Dutch firm . . Van der W a n k!! or was it too many Stellas?

do they run with Van Dongens men into Britain?

Firm i worked for many years ago, changed name more than once (ahem dunno why) but they must of had a “Dell boy moment” with . . . Trident International Transport

Silkolene made a little mistake I think, when they renamed the company.

F :wink: