I know im thick but what is a CMR :question: :confused: :blush: I thought that they were some sort of ‘proof of delivery’ or something as various diaries have said that they get theses signed when they have tipped but have noticed in the For Sale & Swap forum that someone is selling a load of blank ones so cant be for what I thought…or can they?

:smiley: CMR is the generic term for a consignment note for International journeys.
It has to be laid out in a certain way, to show a lot more information on it than an ordinary consignment note just used for internal transport in any given country.

Click on here : … 6/doc.html

Scroll down to Chapter III
Articles 4,5 and especially 6 describe what a CMR note is required to contain. :slight_smile:

Maybe someone can post a picture on here of what one looks like :wink: … I recon it’ll be another few years yet before I work out how to do pictures on a computer ! :laughing: :laughing:

Find me a piccy and I’ll post it for you :wink:. Lib.

Thanks Deesider. :smiley:

CMR = chauffer must rest :laughing:

I think if you do a search through coffees diaries, he has posted a completed CMR

If you do France and many other countries, it is up to the driver or company to supply the consignor with a blank CMR, that is why there are some blank ones for sale

There are normally a minimum of 4 pages but can be as many as 10.

Page 1 stays with the sender of the goods
Page2 goes to the receiver
Page 3 is the drivers, office copy and needs to be returned for payment
Page 4 stays in the book and must be kept in the truck for customs and police controls in France

It is simply an international consignment note which has an insurance guarantee with it, provided you satisfy all the requirements.

In Germany it is called a Frachtbrief