Has Anyone Ever Been In A Situation Where As An Operator You Cannot Cover Your Work Due To A Lack Of Staff (Competent Or Otherwise) And Contemplated Termination Of Contracts Or Business Closure?
If You Have, How Did You Come To The Decision To Close/Continue, And Why? Any Regrets? Things You Would Have Done Differently Perhaps?
Goaty is entirely down to staff? I understood you drove yourself, is it not worth still going on purely as an OD?
I’ve been fairly lucky with staff, but when one goes, it’s not easy to find someone as good to replace them. I think what will tip me over the edge is the ever increasing paperwork - most of it pointless.
Steve, I think if you find that it’s too much struggle, then you are answering your own question.
I had a stroke in March and a TIA 2 Saturdays ago. So HGV entitlement reset to 12 month ban again ffs.
Prior to the TIA we’d trimmed down to a unit and 2 trailers. But we’ve decided to finish and go travelling for a tear or so. No idea what comes after that tbh.
Me too Goat, but take the hint and go and chill for a bit. Get the BP down and in a years time away from this crazy business, you’ll have a whole different perspective. You can come back and laugh at us daft bu88ers still here.
Sorry to hear that Goaty, I’ve been diagnosed with heart failure and told that I have a 1 in 3 chance of being dead in 12 months time, and a 1 in 2 chance of being dead in 2 years time, I’m just waiting for DVLA to revoke my HGV licence now, so at least you’re not alone!
To be honest. I’ll be glad when DVLA do get on with it, at least I’ll be able to pack the whole lot in and spend the last few months narrowboating.
Harry Monk:
Sorry to hear that Goaty, I’ve been diagnosed with heart failure and told that I have a 1 in 3 chance of being dead in 12 months time, and a 1 in 2 chance of being dead in 2 years time, I’m just waiting for DVLA to revoke my HGV licence now, so at least you’re not alone!
Harry Monk:
Sorry to hear that Goaty, I’ve been diagnosed with heart failure and told that I have a 1 in 3 chance of being dead in 12 months time, and a 1 in 2 chance of being dead in 2 years time, I’m just waiting for DVLA to revoke my HGV licence now, so at least you’re not alone!
Christ Harry, that is the 2nd lot of sad/shocking news this week, you make the most of that boat, and like Albion says - let’s hope it makes a difference and you prove them wrong
Might seem too late to bother but ditching ■■■■, booze, junk food and sugary snacks for a healthy high protein, fruit, veg and low carb diet probably isn’t a miracle cure but will give you more energy.
Thanks, they’re being a bit vague because in the next breath they’re telling me I could live for another 20 years so nothing is written in stone. They’re sending me off for an angiogram so they told me today (don’t Google what one of those is if you’re squeamish ) so we’ll just have to wait and see. It’s losing my licence that will be the problem, although it’s not 100% definite that it will happen yet. As far as dying goes, if that does happen, as Mark Twain said “I do not fear death. I had been dead for billions and billions of years before I was born, and had not suffered the slightest inconvenience from it”.
really sorry to here about both Harrys & goaty problems, transport is really tough business to be in and the stress involved can easily bring on any kind of illness, I really hope with rest, it will sort things out. We will all be rooting for you & wish you all the best
That’s a proper ■■■■■■ guys. I wish I could wave a magic wand or even good advice but all I can do is wish you best the very best of luck and hope for a full recovery for you both.
Business can be great or otherwise but the old saying “Your health is your wealth” is what comes to mind on reading all this disturbing news.
I know none of us know the hour or the minute but I wish you all the very best of luck with your health issues and maximum enjoyment of your new found hobbies.
Same best wishes for Pat Hasler who has his own significant health woes across the water which he gave us some insight to recently on the expat forum I think it was.