Clicky drivers that dont speak

Don’t trust nobody, you may think a fellow driver is a mate, but really a slimey [zb] that’s in your mrs knickers behind your back!!!


I just spent 2 years watching the arse kissers getting the cream, whilst I spent most of it delivering animal feed, galvanised ducting,general c-rap, whilst the ■■■ lickers sunned themselves in Spain /Italy/Portugal.
I only got those when they returned from theirs and had the days off.
So Yes…There ARE clicky drivers. Forget that ■■■■■■.

Those “arsekissers” probably got the company to the point where they had the cream work, and now getting a little payback, two years only means you havent been sacked for being a twonk yet…

while in logistics etc everything has changed and your only a number, there are still enough companies out there that value reputation.

I spent a number of years in the crap trucks, doing the crap loads , without moaning or whining until I worked my way up to being one of the blue eyed boys… every Sunday a South Wales run tip reload and back up for late Monday, collect my second man and turn around with a long load, best money earners on the firm.

Then because I had a reputation for grafting, I got a start on the heavy haulage, but started at the bottom with the worst truck on the fleet, didnt see an abnormal load for months when I first started but was moving around the jacks, and mats for the moves,. But I kept my gob shut and got on with it…

Within a year I was on a a STGO cat 3 150 tonne doing the job I wanted, within another year I was doing the same all over Europe

I moved from there to doing crane ballast, I didnt even have an interview for the job, its a small world and they knew i would work

I then went on wagon and drags throughout Europe , when that firm closed down i got a phone call from mate… who had heard the company had closed down and did I want a start on a road planing company, again no interview just turned up on the Monday, got the worst truck on the fleet and off I went…

Within 12 months I was driving a T cab Scania and earning stupid money ( an amount even today would be seen by most as a [zb] lie)

None of that was done by arse licking or crawling, it was achieved by doing two simple things

Doing the job as best as you can
Not being a whining little girl

Those huge paying , running legal jobs with decent gear are out there, but it is a very small world to get into, It is all niche haulage where your reputation is everything. I have been asked back and been told I can go back anytime… some folks will never get the opportunity to even see it…

This isnt an I am better than you post, its a stop the whining and show you can do the job without crying about it post… the clique is out there, and the only way in is to prove you deserve to be in it… no such thing as a free lunch my old mate.

</ ends rant>

I agree to some of your point. I have been at this a long time too. Done the crap stuff for years as well. It’s only this last place that took the ■■■■. You could hear them crawling to the boss. So I don’t whine like a little girl…Far from it. Just commenting on the clique. I wasn’t the only one there to notice it. But I am the only one from there on here! I am/was well capable to do any job, and do it bloody well. I just noticed the clique from day one “me old mate!”

Plenty of clicky drivers on Smith’s, I bet some don’t even speak to their wives, not to sure but maybe one or two were born dumb, or maybe just plain ignorant.

Plenty of clicky drivers on Smith’s

Two of the buggers are on that lorry interweb thingy :laughing: Actually, 2 and a half as Gearcruncher looks in but keeps quiet when he’s not to busy getting the new MAN dirty :laughing:

Rob nobby Gassor:
Don’t trust nobody, you may think a fellow driver is a mate, but really a slimey [zb] that’s in your mrs knickers behind your back!!!

he would be a braver man than me then :open_mouth:

He must think he is, and I had the privilege of being threatened by him aswell, very bad move!!!

Some of the people I work with have this strange thing where their cbs “don’t get out very far” but will suddenly improve when they want to know something…That’s when mine strangely ends up on the wrong channel , or I don’t know…or give false information :wink:

Some of the people I work with have this strange thing where their cbs “don’t get out very far” but will suddenly improve when they want to know something…That’s when mine strangely ends up on the wrong channel , or I don’t know…or give false information :wink:

There’s a couple on there who’s cb’s don’t work, if you ask them where a site is. but they seem to be OK when they’re chatting to their only friend, who’s cb seems to have the same problems. :unamused:

All the years I have been driving and managing, I have had to deal with the blokes who will always complain that they are getting a raw deal and someone else gets the cream. If they get a new truck then it hasn’t got enough light bars, or it hasn’t got a CD player and Fred’s got one. There will always be something to moan about. If Fred does more nights out then that’s favouritism; If moaner does then it’s not fair.

The way I see it is that what matters is - Am I happy with what I am doing? What anyone else is doing or driving has NO impact on me - what matters is what I am doing and what I am driving and where I am going.

LOL. I’ll come work for you. My requirements are simple:

  1. The radio works
  2. Its dry
  3. The heater works
  4. It’ll get me there and back or at least make a good attempt to.

But if 1) can’t be complied with, I’m not interested. :wink:

There’s always some guy with 50 years of seniority that makes 22 year guys like me look like “The Boy”. If the firm doesn’t have fixed duties, and its agency work, I find that letting Mr Highnob telling me ‘how well he does this job’ - and that can be turned against him.

Do the bum job and take your time, but get it otherwise perfect. When Highnob says “I can do that in half the time”, you defer to his superior seniority, and ask him to mentor to show how its done. Whilst he’s doing that, you offer to pick up whatever plum duty he was doing beforehand!

It’s amazing how pride can make someone chuck their cards away! :unamused: :unamused:

The worst place I ever went for “not speaking” was probably Fradley Park where there was only me and a rab-c-nesbit lookalike (and soundalike!) speaking the lingo of our fair Isle, whilst everyone else came from 1000 miles east.

LOL. I’ll come work for you. My requirements are simple:

  1. The radio works
  2. Its dry
  3. The heater works
  4. It’ll get me there and back or at least make a good attempt to.

But if 1) can’t be complied with, I’m not interested. :wink:
Ha-ha! - same here!!

With regards to clicky drivers, it might be worth the 1950’s ‘SAFED’ training film… “Hell Drivers” :smiley: :smiley: